Sunday, December 28, 2008

Arthas' underpants

Here's a chuckle, I'm sure you'll enjoy. Meanwhile I've ordered a new Dell Studio desktop. Contains an Intel Core I7, good ATI video card, a heavy 6 GB of ram, and comes with a Full-HD 23" monitor. Hopefully this crap will be a thing of the past then. It's currently at the delivery service (UPS probably), so it should be arriving soon(tm). Ghouls I've started working on a Deathknight alt, I must say,,, the class is ridiculously overpowered. As a rogue you run up to a mob (two or three if you got cooldowns available) and kill them reasonably fast. Sit and eat if needed, the continue. As a mage you gather up a nice group of mobs, AoE the crap out of them, spend a few minute looting and drinking and then find another group. Much like this guy. As a deathknight however.... I've started mine as blood which seemed nice at first, but you gain more health than your maximum hp could ever hold. At the recommendation of a friend however, I went ahead and took the unholy path. Aside the insane and obviously useful grinding talents which improve your speed. You can still use death strike and Blood presence. It was AoE like nothing else. Run into a pack of mobs the size of which most mages do, but end up with full health at the end. No need to eat or drink afterwards. It's fast! If you haven't already made use of the "free" level 55 character for the sake of your professions, you should certainly give it a try for the sheer fun of it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Don't tell your future boss

If you're going for a job interview anytime in the near future, "don't" tell him you play World of Warcraft.

Why not?

Well, aparently some head-hunters have been told to avoid recruiting people who play World of Warcraft. How silly is that!

There've been other news posts in the past exclaiming how some of the people with top-job functions have played World of Warcraft for a good while, even been guild leaders. Even how WoW can teach players project and time management skills that they might otherwise not learn in school. (Strange, but, ok.)

So, if you were to apply to a job there, you're not likely to get hired because some head-hunter's boss has the notion that all gamers are slackers. Pfff. Where DO they get these ideas?

Update: Turns out the story was in fact wrongly interpreted by a large number of news sites, and cascaded across the internet as a result. See here for details.

Original src: / (Dutch sites).
Also see: Geekologie on the same subject, werblog games as social software and warcraft identity.

Some Site updates

  • Entrecard widget removed on the side. I haven't really got time to keep up with it, and currently it's not giving much extra traffic. So I've decided to remove it for now.
  • Chatbox removed. It simply wasn't seeing enough action. The idea was sound, but it was attracting more spam than actual comments. Don't fear, you can still leave your regular comments to each blog post just like always ;)

    Having removed those two, the site seems to load a bit faster as well.

    Poll end

    How fast did you reach level 80?

  • Less than 3 days - 7 (3%)
  • Under a week - 44 (24%)
  • Under 2 weeks - 39 (21%)
  • Under 3 weeks - 19 (10%)
  • I'm taking it slow - 72 (39%)

    Some interesting numbers. A lot who want to reach level 80 fast have done so in under 2 weeks (83 : 45%), then there's a large gap of about 7 days for 10%, and all the rest are taking longer 39%.

    Another poll then

    How much time do you spend in raids each week? 10 man, 25 mans, either.

    Myself, I'm in a raid group around 3 hours 5 days of the 7 day week. Usually more. Some may spend even more time, some less. How about you?
  • Sunday, December 14, 2008

    Busy busy busy

    Alright, progress update: We've been mostly working on the 25-man version of Naxx, but since the lag on the thaddius fight is SO RIDICULOUSLY bad, and the fight seems to be quite tightly tuned, we've not managed to properly take that guy down yet. Other guilds on aszune are complaining about the exact same thing, so at least we know it's not just us having the problem. Over the weekend, and last night we figured the 10 man naxx needed a proper cleaning as well. And so we did. Sadly his reach doesn't seem to glow when enchanted... lame.
  • Naxx25 : In progress
  • Trade skills : In progress
  • Alts : In progress, slowly
  • Kalu'ak reputation : In progress
  • Frenzyheart reputation : In progress. The blue item is pretty cool.
  • Sons of Hodir reputation : In progress
  • Video card problems : Not so much in progress. Huh, video card problem? What are you talking about? Well, here's a few pics to give you an idea.
    The problem usually occurs after an hour or two (weekends are funfunfun playing like this!) and the symptoms change every few minutes. It's probably overheating, but since the pc is starting to get rather old (going 5-6 years now) it's getting time to replace the whole thing anyway. So, that's in progress, sorta. Achievements 25 tabards, should be doable right? It's a bit tricky though. You need a lot of different tabards, and to get some you have to go all the way to exalted. Getting Exalted with all 4 battlegrounds.. no thanks. There also seems to be a bug with the loremaster / explorer tabards, they don't count when you pick them up from the mail. You'll have to page a GM to get them added to your total. There's a nice list on the wowhead page, which basically shows you that there's:
  • 12 tabards from TBC factions to be had at exalted. (one extra if you're crazy enough to get both scryers and aldor)
  • 4 tabards added at honored for the WotLK factions.
  • 4 from "other" sources
  • 5 from PvP
  • 1 from a quest for each faction. Only for blood elf / draenei it seems.
  • 2-3 from achievements.
  • 8 from the damn loot cards
  • 4 that are no longer available Here is the full list. So, in theory, even without the 8 from the loot cards it should be quite possible to get that achievement. 28-32 tabards, or 40 if you get all the loot cards. That's a lot of faction grinding though... Especially the PvP ones can be quite dull. The only really annoying part of this achievement, is that you can't see which ones you've already got unless you keep them all in your bank. Fat chance at that. Linky Here's an interesting link to wow-achievements. It shows the players in the world with the highest achievement points. It was bound to be done sometime or other, but there's a lot of people with over 6000 points already, even one with 6365 already... Go outside and see the sun sometimes... Also, WowJutsu has been updated. It's still showing the same weird inaccuracies as before, but it's still interesting to keep around. Same for wowrankings and even wowprogress. Funny You ever seen the "carebears"? If you're an average 14 year old you may be thinking I'm talking about PvE.. Well you'd be wrong. Look it up. For all you slightly older readers, here's a hilarious link. The comic is called Bear Nuts and it's basically a carebears parody. Notice the icons on their front. Also worth checking out is Nerf Now, it's a comic which focuses on games as well. Starcraft and team fortress among others. Be warned, it might not be suited for the very young readers. Not like you care though right? Ah, and do you remember Mr.T's night elf mohawk? Well, he enjoys Flavourwave too. I pity the fool who eats frozen food.
  • Thursday, December 04, 2008

    Engineering, lacking?

    I'm going to be cheap and post a reply I did on the MMOC forums, hopefully the info reaches blizzard somehow. Be it trough the official forums, or blue people reading this. Let me know what you think. So, what's wrong with engineering you ask? The only "real" problem currently with engineering, and to some extent tailoring, is the lack of self buffs. Not actual buffs etc, but look at these other professions:
  • Skinning : crit bonus worth about 25 stats
  • Mining : Stamina bonus worth about 25 stat points.
  • Herbalism : Herbalist only herb consumable which gives ~ 32 stats if seen over time-cooldown. Also a small self heal which is awesome.
  • Alchemy : When flasks are used provides ~32 stats more than the default flask.
  • Inscription : ~ 32 stats worth better shoulder enchant
  • Blacksmithing : 2 bonus sockets worth about 32 stats
  • Leatherworking : ~ 32 stats worth better bracer enchant than the default one.
  • Enchanting : 2x16 = 32 stats worth for ring enchants.
  • Jewelcrafting : 3 awesome multicolor jewels which will provide ~ 21-32 stats when socket bonusses are kept in mind. Craftables exist for all professions, most are worse than the ilvl 213 items from heroic raids. Which is fine. However
  • Tailoring : Only ~ 12 stats better cloak enchant than the default
  • Engineering : Glove enchant that's 2 stats WORSE than the maximum available ones. That is the main thing that's bothering me right now about engineering. And I really don't see why blizzard didn't give us something on par with the other professions unless they simply forgot.... As it appears there's awfully few patterns for engineering to begin with. Especially compared to JC and Inscription. Zero rare drops, and no pattern vendor at all. Do we need to wait until patch 3.1 then? Also, the last leveling part from 435-450 is quite silly. Not to mention that there's no goggles available for several class specs. Poll end Poll question : Did your WotLK box arrive on time? Well, did it?
  • Yeah ! :D - 78 (64%)
  • No... :( - 43 (35%) An awful lot who didn't arrive on time. Bad planning, poor delivery service, bad luck? New poll up: What professions does your main have?
  • Wednesday, November 26, 2008

    Onward from 80

    So, you hit level 80, and wonder what to do next. Really? Well no, I see there's still "so much" to do that it's a constant dilemma to figure out what to do. Quests all over the place, raids pulling close, loads of heroics, plenty of gear to upgrade, reputations to gain, professions to level, pvp, and many another thing. I don't see anyone getting bored particulary soon. Loken on the other hand (as you can see in the above image) got quite tired of our little pug wiping horribly on him. Rogue ye be? Anyway, for ye rogues out there, the still hasn't updated yet... So glyphs and specs will be tricky to calculate. There's a few other options available though, and there's also Rawr but that one's primarily developed for druids, and sadly not updated to 3.0.x for rogues yet. As far as glyphs go, Sinister strike + Slice and Dice + Rupture seems to be the primary way to go as combat spec. I'm using a pretty weird spec currently, mainly for lack of weapons. I sort of stumbled into Greed during a heroic Stratholme, you just don't let something like that get disenchanted. The problem with fists however, it that there's just nothing really worthwhile to use as an offhand. I'll sort that later though. What's on TV right now... Monkey business on Discovery channel :P Poll end Another poll ends, which started during the zombie event. You can still get your favourite zombie food during a quest in Zul'drak. Yumm...
  • Braaaains! - 202 (54%)
  • Stay away from me!! - 78 (20%)
  • Wha? Ow... guh. brainss... - 58 (15%)
  • I'm hungry. - 36 (9%) And a new poll: How fast did you reach level 80?
  • Wednesday, November 19, 2008

    Wednesdays, bloody wednesdays

    It's wednesday, and here in Europe that means it's "scheduled maintenance" from 05:00 to 11:00 CET. If you have a day off, that means you can sleep late :P Or as I'm doing right now, write some text while you're waiting for the servers to kick into life again. And a long wait it is indeed. So, yesterday I got tired of having to break open my current mouse, replacing the duct tape and paper I keep stuffed under the buttons to ensure the buttons still "click", and ordered myself a new sword. Sword? well, see for yourself: It's a Logitech G5 laser mouse. With a cord yes. If you think "wireless" is cool or (omg) believe sales drivel spoon fed to you because it's "a useful thing of the current age", then you're obviously a gullible casual gamer, or simply forced to play on such crap because you're not using your own computer. Batteries suck, avoid them like a plague. Anyhow, It's been ordered last night, and I've gotten confirmation that it's been mailed and due to arrive tomorrow. Total cost: 34,95 Euros, ex 4,95 E shipping. What a long strange trip it's been Christmas soon, so we can get started on the second part of that achievement. Keep in mind the final reward is a proto-drake of 310% flight speed. Much like the gladiator's drakes and ashes of al'ar. There's a quest in the howling fjord which allows you to ride one of the beasts for a quest, as a teaser I guess. Somehow I managed to stay mounted on my raptor while doing that, so that made some interesting screenies. It also gives a nice perspective on the SIZE of that thing. It's huge! The expansion is great, leveling goes steady (mailman was a bastard and delivered it a bit late though) If you haven't already gotten it, be sure you do. There's grizzly bears fishing for salmon, herds of animals going around, animals fighting each other for territory, new models and so much more. But that's not all! I'll let a few screenshots speak for themselves. I've been an Iron Dwarf: Ridden a storm giant. See that small green thing on top of his head? That's me glaives mon: I've been a zombie, again: And taken on a rather unceremonial flight as a zombie: Dalaran is quite a sight: So, currently level 77 and able to fly again! A word of warning though, while it's tempting to immediately start flying everywhere and obtaining the World Explorer achievement. Don't. Seriously DO NOT get that achievement yet. There's a very annoying bug with it, which causes the tabard to be mailed to you every single time you change zones. Some guild members have complained about having as many as 100+ of the tabards in their mailbox, with no sign of the steady stream slowing down. So seriously, do NOT get that achievement yet. Hopefully blizzard will fix it soon. Onward to 78 today! ps: Extended maintenance until 13:00.... bloody french! ps2: Extended until 15:00 ... /sigh

    Wednesday, November 12, 2008

    Critter Visitsplosion

    Well, it looks like we got a post linked on WowInsider, which caused a slight,,, somewhat large...,, err. Alright let's face it this blog in it's current form was not build to support the sudden appearance of about 28K more visitors than usual in such a short time.

    I suspect in part I should thank mania for the spike, as the Wowinsider scouts picked up the link trough her blog.

    Here's what I woke up to this morning :

    Normally we're at around 1-2K views in a day. So we've just been hit by about a month worth of traffic, in the time of less than 12 hours. It's only reasonable to see the web server give a little hiccup at that. I've had the issue before, and took some measures to ensure it's not as likely to cause trouble in the future. But apparently the measures were only a half fix. The CSS trick seems to have worked and the site loads fine for the most part. You'll just notice that there's a couple of images that will refuse to load.

    Well, it's a good thing the site gets stressed so and then, it forces me to think of a way to make it more efficient in the future. Let's see how soon the images come back up and we'll work from there.


    Another poll reached it's ending date, and as such we'll be starting a new one. Not without posting the results of the previous one however.

    What do you feel as being the most enjoyed play style?
  • DPS - 75 (41%)
  • Melee - 61 (33%)
  • Tank - 40 (21%)
  • Caster - 38 (20%)
  • Healer - 37 (20%)
  • Ranged - 30 (16%)
  • Physcal - 14 (7%)

    Since the blog audience has a slightly larger number of rogues, and focuses for some parts on DPS I guess the results were fairly predictable. The total number of votes on that poll could have been higher though.

    Since WotLK will be releasing at 00.01 tomorrow (tonight), I'm wondering where you've ordered your CD / DVD. You can leave that here in the comments here if you wish though. The poll the next few weeks is a bit more straightforward :
    * Did you get your WotLK box on time?

    Mine is currently in the mail, slooowwwwly making it's way to my house.
  • Tuesday, November 11, 2008

    WotLK - Boost your XP advantage

    When the expansion starts (less than two days from now !!), you'll either want to dive straight into the new content or finish up your old content. Depending how well Blizzard's account server holds out *cough*. To get yourself a head-start however you could gather up and complete some quests, even daily quests and turn these in as soon as your level cap is increased. 25 quests can be a lot of XP quite quickly. If you're racing for the first zones, (and there will be many who are) then you'll want every edge you can get. WowWiki has a decent list of available daily quests. Be sure to empty your quest log before starting, and pick up as many as you can. Try to avoid the ones which give low cash and XP as a reward. Then, park yourself in Ogri'la and await thursday's arrival. Now, the servers come up, you've upgraded your account and you can complete the quests in the following order :
  • The first three quests : bombing, banish more demons and the wrangling quest.
  • Hearth to Shattrath and you can turn in seven: Intercepting the mana cells, sunfury attack plans, multiphase survey, the daily heroic, normal daily dungeon, daily pvp and for great honor.
  • Go to SSO Island and turn in another seven quests here : Open for Business, Disrupt the Greengill Coast, Ata'mal Armaments, Don't Stop Now, Crush the Dawnblade, Know Your Ley Lines, The Battle Must Go On
  • Use BT necklace (If you have one), to go to netherwing island (otherwise use the scroll from the "know your leylines quest" and here you can turn in another nine quests : The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid, Disrupting the Twilight Portal, The Booterang, Dragons are the Least of Our Problems, Picking up the Pieces, The Not-So-Friendly Skies, A Slow Death, Netherwing Crystals and one of the gathering quests if able.
  • Fly to terrokar : Turn in the bombing quest. After that you should head back to shattrath and take the portal to whichever city has the zeppelin or boat for your faction. With minimum travel you should be one of the few people on the island to reach level 71. Not good enough? Alright, then have a grab at this leveling guide to get you trough 70-80 even faster! As you can see however, that's a grand total of 25 quests exactly. There are plenty more quests, some pay more, some less. Group quests and raid quests especially should be savored. Just don't go out of your way to turn them in and most certainly don't waste any time completing them on the actual patch day. After all, you want to start with Northrend as soon as possible. Low xp quests : Avoid these if your quest log is full.
  • Relic's emanations.
  • Fishing / cooking quest
  • Further conversions
  • Keeping the Enemy at Bay
  • Arm the wards
  • The Air Strikes Must Continue
  • Friday, November 07, 2008

    WotLK vs Madonna

    The numbers game The 13'th of november 2008 World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King will go live around the world. The game we play with over 11 Million other players. But, even while it's currently the largest MMO in the world (and likely to stay that way for a while yet) The amount of attention it gets in the media is quite sparse. Why though? At the clock of midnight 12-13 november a large number of stores worldwide will be opening their doors to begin the sale of this latest expansion. It is expected to sell several million copies within the first week of time. Several million, times ~30 euros per sold copy, makes for several tens of millions of cash flowing from our pockets into that of Blizzard. And that's just one week. Blizzard released WoW at 23 November 2004 to the USA and 11 Februari 2005 in Europe and other countries. 11 January 2007 there were 8 Million players, and at 22 Januari 2008 there were 10 Million players worldwide, currently 11 million. This Chart shows the growth rate of the game we play. As you can see it's just shot trough the roof unlike any other MMOC out there. What makes it so successful? How does "one" game company manage to make a game so large that you can get over 11 million game subscriptions running across the planet? WoW and the media A game unlike any seen before, with a number of followers larger than some of the states in the USA. And yet, how often do you see or hear anything about it in the newspaper, discovery channel, general news? Never if at all. If I hadn't told my parents I was playing it they would probably have never heard of it. And when you "do" see it linked in some way trough the odd link on BBC it's because some chinese guy stabbed a fellow player to death for hacking his account. Is that how we want people to see our game? Something that creates so much violence among players that we're willing to go out there and stab each other to death? I don't think so. Yet that's the only news "worthy" of being shared with the world aparently. Addicts dying of thirst because of a game addiction, addicts killing each other, addicts dying of sleep depravation, addicts running into a school and shooting up their class mates out of sheer frustration. That is not our game. Yet the media seems to want to make us believe so. Well, for any concerned parents, I suggest you buy the game yourself and try it out yourself before letting your kid play. You'll see the game itself is quite harmless. Perhaps you'll even be able to enjoy playing the game together as several people I know have and do. Freaks? What makes a WoW player a WoW player? Dressing up like it's some halloween party? No. With a a large enough fanbase you'll see people like that for really just about anything. Dressing up as your favourite characters isn't just something that's done for games. And certainly not just for WoW. Mind if I show you this link? Indeed, Starwars. If you don't know what that is.. what rock have you been living under all these years? Startrek has the same freaks. Though fanatics or devotees would probably be a better term. Movies such as predator and alien have people create costumes just as well. Even sick freaks (and in this case it's allowed) dress themselves up like power rangers or teletubbies..... No, dressing up like freaks is not something the average wow player does. Not even Medieval reenactments like those. No, the average wow player is either a kid who does school at regular times and plays 4-5 hours when school is finished. Or a regular working person you'd never have expected it of playing from 9-12 after dinner. There's even a youtube video of a guy playing wow while he's working at the stock market. (can't find that link right now sorry) World of Warcraft is everywhere, yet at the same time, it's being kept quiet like it's something secret and personal. Like it's something to be ashamed of. Bigger than? More of the numbers. As the subject of this post gave a hint, madonna. Personally I don't like the frigid old corpse, so she's the perfect target to use in this post. Reasons? Well she's done some anti piracy stunts and is actively opposed to P2P sharing of her creations even though she's a millionaire a few times over already and doesn't even make more than 2% per sale. Robbie williams (even though I don't like his music) Is an active supporter of P2P and sharing his music. It's free advertising guys, anyone enjoying the crap you probably didn't even write yourself is going to buy that CD anyway, anyone who doesn't simply won't. But that's another story. Since starting in 1982 the old crone (M) has sold over 250 million albums and 150 million singles. I've never bought a music CD in my life, ever, and never will (Music radio for the win) so I'm not sure what the exact price on an average single or album is. Though I'm quite sure it's outrageous. The apple iTunes store sells most songs under a single dollar. And according to cd-universe her albums are switching owners for about 8-15 dollars. So let's see, old ugly hag sales: 250 mil albums * 13$ : 150 mil singles * 1$ : 150.000.000 Blizzard, World of warcraft sales: 6 mil Original CDs * 30€ : 180.000.000 11 mil TBC CDs * 30€ : 330.000.000 11 mil WotLK CDs * 30€ : 330.000.000 4 years * 11 million users * 12 months * 14€ : 7.392.000.000 isn't quite accurate as it starts low, then goes high. So we'll take the median which is ~3.696.000.000 Total profits from sales: * M : 3.400.000.000 $ * B : 4.536.000.000 € - converted: 5.795.647.200 $ Now, that's not including the concerts that M has given, or the profits she gets whenever a radio station runs her crap, or any profits off movies and other fees she'll get for doing absolutely nothing. But still. Based on pure sales along blizzard is leading by a none too shabby 2.395 million $ for World of Warcraft alone. Now, take into account that it took the old hag 26 "years" to produce those sales, while blizzard has been producing World of Warcraft for only "4". So, is World of Warcraft is bigger than Madonna? I'd think so yes, and still growing. World of Warcraft. What's your game? -- The above article was inspired by (Dutch)

    Monday, November 03, 2008

    Search and Find

    You've explored all of azeroth and all of outland. You've done 2200+ quests and are aching to start on Northrend to get your loremaster's colors. You got your albino drake and skunk pet, a few dozen factions exalted, you've even completed every dungeon in lands old and new. But still the 13th of november is a way off. What to do? Well, let's find some critters to love! Note that you can even /love dead critters. (you sicko) So if you 'accidently' right click one.... To all the squirrels I've Loved Before. 21 Critters to be found in varied locations. Some of these are in Northrend but this way you can get started ahead of everyone else. Most of the list can be found on the aforementioned page on wowhead, but here's a more complete overview :
  • Cat : Eversong Woods, Silvermoon City, Elwynn Forest
  • Chicken : Westfall, Hillsbrad Foothills, Elwynn Forest, Arathi Basin, Duskwood, Tirisfal Glades, Shattrath City, The Barrens, Azuremyst Isle, Dustwallow Marsh, Redridge Mountains
  • Crab : The Steamvault, Dragonblight, Ghostlands
  • Cow : Elwynn Forest, Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands, Westfall
  • Deer : Elwynn Forest, Darnassus, Teldrassil, Moonglade, Ashenvale, Blade's Edge Mountains, Alterac Mountains, Azuremyst Isle, Darkshore, Stonetalon Mountains, Western Plaguelands, Westfall, Moonglade, Dire maul
  • Ewe : Shattrath City
  • Frog : Maraudon, The Slave Pens, The Steamvault, Zangarmarsh, Ghostlands, Dire maul
  • Fawn : Elwynn Forest
  • Gazelle : The Barrens
  • Hare : Durotar
  • Parrot : Un'Goro Crater
  • Prairie Dog : The Barrens, Nagrand, Mulgore, Arathi Highlands, Westfall
  • Rabbit : Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Scarlet Monastery, Moonglade, Redridge mountains
  • Ram : Loch modan, Wetlands
  • Sheep : Elwynn Forest, Redridge Mountains, Loch Modan, Hillsbrad Foothills, Alterac Mountains, Westfall
  • Swine : Durotar, The Barrens
  • Skunk : Terokkar Forest, Bloodmyst Isle, Azuremyst Isle.
  • Squirrel : Darnassus, Ashenvale, Dire Maul, Magisters' Terrace, Zul'Aman, Moonglade
  • Toad : Black Temple, The Steamvault, The Underbog, Darnassus, Un'Goro Crater, Wetlands, Swamp of Sorrows, Ghostlands WotLK critters
  • Borean Frog : Borean tundra
  • Steam Frog : Borean tundra If you find any of the above critters in other locations, just leave a comment to this post.
  • Saturday, November 01, 2008


    Don't you just hate it when people do that? Ya know "first!", first page, first after blue, first on second page, first on third page, first post. Seriously, get a life you sad excuse of pixelated retardism. Luckily any such behaviour is rewarded with a ban on the EJ forums as well as the MMOC forums. It's sad that blizzard isn't doing the same yet. At any rate, it's the "first" of the month. November, 12 days until WotLK! As well as a new month to pick up your consortium gems. Free gems are always good, even if they're no longer as valuable as they used to be.

    Tuesday, October 28, 2008


    Well, no more brains, the event is over, a cure was found, the infection will no longer spread. A shame really, even with all the stupid crying and cursing from people who just haven't got a clue on how to entertain themselves if they got itching powder in their panties,,, it was fun. You weren't safe anywhere, even Shattrath City. Heck, "especially not" in Shattrath. Lets just say it was very entertaining. Who knows when / if / ever we'll be able to do this again. Sure it's annoying if your battlemaster, banker or flightmaster is dead just when you were planning to use it. But seriously, 90 seconds isn't that long to wait for a respawn. You can still get brains to still your hunger, but it won't ever be the same for a while. I suspect many will have a more lingering thought on where to go afk now. Will a zombie bite me here? What was that sound? Headless Aside zombies, it's halloween. With the violet proto-drake (310% speed) looming large in everyone's mind we've gone around and gathered some people together, brought a warlock and about 10-12 alts and did some repeated headless horseman pounding. The end result was quite funny. Sadly a number of corpses did despawn, but everyone got their heads and pets in the end. Not a single mount sadly... Bucket Could somebody please tell that bloody walrus that I found the bucket? I've been using it to collect all the QQ tears of nerfed retribution paladins and AFK players that I've zombiefied or killed at the bank, flightmaster, etc. Even managed to put out some fires with it in brill, imagine that. Poll end What sort of music do you listen to when playing wow? It appears rock is quite popular among the readers. The default ingame music is used still more than I thought it would be. Trance scores high, along with players multitasking wow + TV. Rythm n bass, classic and modern are low low down the bottom as I figured they would be. Who seriously listens to classical music while you're pounding in heads in PvP, or getting shafted by a big dragon? o_O
  • Rock - 55 (50%)
  • Ingame music - 35 (32%)
  • None / Other - 28 (25%)
  • Trance - 20 (18%)
  • TV - 18 (16%)
  • Radio - 10 (9%)
  • House - 8 (7%)
  • Dance - 7 (6%)
  • Classic - 3 (2%)
  • R 'n B - 3 (2%)
  • Modern - 2 (1%) New poll is up. Brains?
  • Saturday, October 25, 2008

    Inscription 1-350 Guide

    By the time you're reading this you've probably already got Inscription maxed. But perhaps not, and there's always alts. Pictures are coming, as are itemlinks, but I didn't want to withhold this post from you much longer than needed. So enjoy what's here so far. Both my mage and druid had 375 mining skill, and since scribes can create some nice bind on pickup offhands I figured it'd be a good idea to make my mage a scribe as well. So, he dropped mining and got to work. There's a whee whole bunch of inscription guides out there already, but most of them seem to be copying each other. Then again, the skill remains the same and levels rather predictably no matter how you look at it, it's just a matter of putting the wording differently. I'll list some you can read at the bottom of the page. The first thing you'll learn when you take on Inscription is: * Milling. This is used much in the same way as jewelcrafters use prospecting. It destroys 5 herbs and gives you some common and rare pigments in return. * Ivory Ink. The basis for your low level skills. * Scroll of Spirit * Scroll of Intellect * Scroll of Stamina Need herbs? Scroll down to the bottom for the herb routes. Trainers Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunderbluff, Stormwind, Ironforge, etc etc. All the mrjor cities have a trainer. Not shattrath though. Just go to UC or SW and ask a guard for the exact location. The outland trainer can be found in Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Skill 1-75 Rank-1 Herbs : Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot Herbs milled : 360. You only "need" about 120-130, but read on. Pigments received : 156 Alabaster Pigment Skill level 1-35 An average of 2 pigments per herb. Cheap as hell though. Create 18 Ivory ink, this should put you to ~17-18 skill. Next, use those 18 Ivory ink in combination with 18 Light parchment and create Scroll of stamina, intellect or spirit. This should put you straight to 35-36 skill. Skill level 35-75 If you accidently made some extra Ivory ink, just make some more scrolls as they shouldn't turn green until 40. Next, make all the moonglow ink you can. Since at 75 you'll get the skill called "Minor Inscription Research". You'll be using that skill once every ~20 hours to learn new minor glyphs. I converted all the pigments I milled into Moonglow ink. If you're in a hurry to raise your skill to 75, you can make armor vellum up to 75 easily. This will require an estimate of 20-22 of your precious moonglow ink however. (I had 60 to spare) Once you've converted all the Alabaster pigments into moonglow ink you'll be sitting at around 72-73 skill. Just make 2-3 armor vellum to get to 75. Skill level 75-100 Rank-2 Herbs : Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Mageroyal, Stranglekelp, Swiftthistle Herbs milled : 80 Pigments received : 40 Dusky pigment, 9 Verdant pigment Skill level 75-80 Once you hit 75, start off the first point to 76 by diong "Minor Inscription Research". Next, you can still make armor vellum which should be good up to 87, but you don't want to waste any Moonglow ink if you can help it. The research doesn't turn yellow until 125, but due to the long cooldown you'd be testing your own patience quite a bit. If you're a brother or sister of ebenezer scrooge though, don't let me stop you. Current skill: 76 Make 20 Midnight ink. If you're lucky you get to 80 skill now, otherwise just create an extra 1-2 armor vellum, they're cheap. 80-85 Grab 5 more Light parchment, talk to the trainer, and you'll receive your first few glyphs to make. The best thing to do here is to make 1-2 of each of them so you have more chance to sell some of these. Don't worry too much about making a profit, it all depends on your market. 85-90 Under the assumtion that you managed to score some verdant pigment earlier, be sure to make as many of the Hunter's Ink as you can. It turns green at 90, so it probably won't carry you much further than that. If you didn't then don't worry, just make some more of the same glyphs. 90-100 Now that you're at 90, learn some new glyphs (again), and you'll notice the materials are still the same. Blizzard didn't really bother to make these glyphs too varied it seems. But that's not our current concern. Grab another 10 Light parchment and make a mix of 10 of the glyphs you just learned. You should be 100 without any trouble. Skill level 100-150 Rank-3 Herbs : Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot, Wild Steelbloom. Herbs milled : 180 Pigments received : 102 Golden Pigment, 17 Burnt Pigment Now things will start picking up a bit faster. In cost that is. 100-105 Make Lion's Ink out of the Golden Pigments since you'll need these later. I made only 15 here initially as I ran out of herbs to do more, but farmed some more later and created the rest. 105-115 Maul, Hammer of Justice, and Ice armor are still yellow and only cost one midnight ink and one light parchment. I still had a load of rank-2 herbs (mageroyal etc) so went ahead and grinded those into another : 15 Dusky pigment, 4 verdant pigment. I converted the verdant pigment into hunter's ink for later use. And made another 6 glyphs of the ones just mentioned. This should save some higher end herbs later. Funny enough, I had "yet more" herbs able to produce dusky pigment. No point in wasting good materials right? The Mysterious Tarot, which requires one Hunter's Ink and a Midnight Ink each will get you from 110 to 125. It really depends how many Verdant pigment you managed to convert earlier. Let's assume you have enough materials for 10. Alternatively it would take about 9 of the following glyphs : Psychic scream and Lightning shield to get those 5 skill points to 115. And for another alternative, you could make glyphs of Eviscerate, Fade, Fire Nova Totem, Health Funnel, Holy Light and Rending to go from 105-115 instead. This would cost you 10 Lion's ink and some Common Parchment. Which equares to a few silver in paper and 20 Golden Pigment. (About 40 milled herbs) But, as you'll find when raising Inscription, more than one road leads from Rome. 115-120 I farmed herbs this week and used "Minor Inscription Research" meanwhile to get from 115-120. Saves me some lion's ink. You probably are eager to continue however, and thus will be spending 5 Lion's ink to make one of the following Glyphs: * Glyph of Arcane Missiles * Glyph of Aspect of the Monkey * Glyph of Healing Touch Each should cost you no more than one ink and a common parchment. Els Professions has a pretty nice list in that regard. Alternatively, you should still have those "Hunter's Ink" that was mentioned before. These, in combination with a Midnight ink will get you from 110-125 with ease before turning yellow and won't turn green until 137. Be sure to use these before then as they really haven't got much other purpose. For the sake of this guide we'll assume you got 5 ready. 120-125 Mysterious Tarot. These will produce the cards : Ace / Two / Three of Rogues. These can be turned in later for junk greens of little concern. I had enough ink (20) to easily get to 137 from here on, but we'll assume you don't. 125-140 Dawnstar ink. Not amazingly useful for anything other than more tarot cards, but if you have "Burnt Pigments" (and I know you do) then making these should be able to provide you with another 5 skill points. If you don't get to 130 on these, just make a few "Glyph of Fear". 130-135 : Glyph of Blink x5 135-140 : Glyph of Lay on Hands x5 140-150 Strange Tarot. Assuming you've been able to get at least 20 dawnstar ink, these are the best way to level. Keep in mind you'll also need 1 Lion's ink per card. So 10 in total. After that the skill will turn yellow and though it'll probably still provide you with skill after, it's probably easier to switch to the next type of herb. These are useable until they turn green at 162. If you don't have that many, you can always make one of these glyphs to get from 140-145 first. * Glyph of Imp * Glyph of Lightning Bolt * Glyph of Sunder Armor Skill 150-200 Rank-4 Herbs : Goldthorn, Fadeleaf, khadgar's whisper, wintersbite. Herbs milled : 200 Pigments received : 113 Emerald Pigment, 16 Indigo Pigment Things should be looking pretty much the same from this point on. Make 5 glyphs, visit the trainer, make 5 glyphs, visit the trainer, make inks as soon as you can, finish up with some rare inks before they no longer give skill. As such, I'm going to start compressing the self explanatory bits a little. 150-175 Making Jadefire Ink should be able to get you to 154-155. You'll need about 55 in total. You can finish off with a "Glyph of Multi-Shot" if it didn't. 155-160 : Glyph of Evocation x5 160-165 : Glyph of Renew x5 165-170 : Glyph of Shadow Bolt x5 170-175 : Glyph of Overpower x5, or Scroll of Strength III 175-190 Royal ink. It's always a bit tricky to get skill with green recipes, but you should be able to get at least 2-3 skill points this way. Afterwards, "make Scroll of Agility III" until 183 skill. It'll turn yellow at 180 but should provide you with a few more skill points midway. And, followed by two "Glyph of Shadow Word: Pain" to reach skill 185. 185-190 : Glyph of Frost Shock x5 190-200 Arcane Tarots depending how many Royal Ink you got. If you got enough to make 8, then make 2x Glyph of Revenge first, so the 8 tarots should put you on 200. If you got 7, then make 3 glyphs first. Skill 200-250 Rank-5 Herbs : Arthas' Tears, Blindweed, Firebloom, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood, Purple Lotus, Sungrass Herbs milled : 200 Pigments received : 102 Violet Pigment, 16 Ruby Pigment 200-225 Start by converting your Violet pigments into Celestial Ink. This should get you to 205 without too much effort. If for whatever reason you didn't just make some extra "Armor Vellum II". 205-210 : Armor Vellum II x5 210-215 : Glyph of Sinister Strike x5. These will sell like hot-cakes so if you have plenty of materials feel free to make some extra of these while they're yellow. 215-220 : Glyph of Healing Stream Totem x5 220-225 : Glyph of Barbaric Insults x5 225-230 Fiery Ink. I had 16 Pigments, so ended up with 16 inks. You're quite likely to reach 230 with just making these inks, but if for whatever reason you can't, just create some "Scroll of Agility IV" until you do. 230-235 : Glyph of Dispel Magic x5 235-23x : Depending how many Fiery Ink you got make a few : Glyph of Slice and Dice. They sell easily and are good profit. 235-250 Time to make use of those Fiery ink. "Weapon Vellum II" 14-15x depending how many inks you managed to get. The weapon vellum recipe will turn green at 255 skill, so even if you got more than 15 you "could" in theory still make a few extra. Heck, if you still have 20+ Celestial ink and don't feel like saving them you could simply start off with making some Glyphs of slice and dice before making the armor vellum. Good profit in those. However, you will get free skill points from the next ink, so don't go above 250 skill just yet. Skill 250-300 Rank-6 Herbs : Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Icecap, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom. Herbs milled : 150 Pigments received : 73 Silvery Pigment, 6 Sapphire Pigment 250-275 Start off with the obvious. Make Shimmering Ink from the Silvery Pigments and you should be at 255 skill. If not, you can make a "Scroll of Stamina V" to get there. I started off with 36 inks. 255-260 : Scroll of Spirit V x5 260-265 : Glyph of Shred x5 265-270 : Glyph of Bone Shield x5 270-275 : Glyph of Frost Strike x5 275-285 Ink of the Sky, make all you can, for some reason this one starts at orange and continues to do so for a while. I only had 6, so 6 skill points. 281-285 : Glyph of mana gem x4 285-288 : Glyph of Execution x3 288-290 : Glyph of Sprint x2 (Or just 2 more Execution) That's all you'll be using the Pre-TBC herbs for. You can thank your kind trainer from Undercity or wherever and it's time to head to Outland. Head for a trip to the nearest bank and grab some herbs along. Skill 290-350 Rank-7 Herbs (Outland) : Ancient Lichen, Dreaming Glory, Felweed, Mana Thistle, Netherbloom, Nightmare Vine, Ragveil, Terocone. Herbs milled : 290 Pigments received : 145 Nether Pigment, 18 Ebon Pigment. A bit more than needed, but you'll be using these to get to 375 eventually. 290-300 Give a friendly Scribe about 50 herbs and ask him to make you 10 Ethereal ink then return the remaining pigments. (I've included these into milled herbs total) I doubt it's intended by blizzard but You'll find the Master Inscription trainer in either the Tower above Thrallmar right next to the enchanting trainer, or if you're Alliance you can find one at the mage tower in Honor Hold. 290-295 : Scroll of Stamina VI x5 295-300 : Scroll of Spirit VI x5 300-325 Ethereal ink, you'll be making a good lot so should have no problem reaching 305. 305-310 : Glyph of Feint x5 310-315 : Glyph of Rune Tap x5 315-320 : Glyph of Rapid Fire x5 320-325 : Glyph of Sweeping Strikes x5 325-350 Darkflame Ink. I made 16 here, and managed to get to 329. You might not have as much Ebon pigment. Create 1-2x Glyph of Mage armor to get to 330. 330-335 : Glyph of Windfury Weapon x5 335-340 : Glyph of Arcane Power x5 340-345 : Glyph of Death Strike x5 345-350 : Glyph of Whirlwind x5 Skill 350 OK, you're 350, now what? Well, you can make all the known patterns in the game as of 3.0.2. More will be added by blizzard at a later time, and though you can get your skill up to 360 or theoretically even 375, there's just not any point in doing so until WotLK is actually released and you can visit the new trainers in Northrend. Herb routes Lets assume you have a 375+ herbalist already, preferably a druid (flight form rocks for farming herbs). Be sure to install the following addons: * Routes. This will draw a route on your map with the shortest path to all the herbs in the zone. Can be filtered and customized fully. * Gathermate. This is your basic gathering database. * Mapster. This will allow you to customize the routes more easily, get it. Rank-1 herbs : Inscription 1-75 Peacebloom, Silverleaf, and Earthroot Durotar, or just about any other level 5-10 zone. Rank-2 herbs : Inscription 75-100 Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Mageroyal, Stranglekelp, Swiftthistle The barrens. You really don't want to be anywhere else for collecting these. Rank-3 herbs : Inscription 100-150 Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot, Wild Steelbloom. Stranglethorn Vale contains Kingsblood, Liferoot, Wild Steelbloom and an abundance of Rank-4 herbs which you'll also need later. Rank-4 herbs : Inscription 150-200 Goldthorn, Fadeleaf, khadgar's whisper, wintersbite. Stranglethorn Vale, you really wouldn't want to be anywhere else. You'll not receive any Wintersbite there but the other herbs are available in abundance. Rank-5 herbs : Inscription 200-250 Arthas' Tears, Blindweed, Firebloom, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood, Purple Lotus, Sungrass Firebloom and purple lotus spawn in good numbers in Tanaris, which is right next to Un'goro where you'll find Rank 6 herbs. Gromsblood could be farmed in the blasted lands and Felwood is also a good alternative as you'll find severa; Rank-6 Herbs there. Rank-6 herbs : Inscription 250-300 Dreamfoil, Golden Sansam, Icecap, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom. You'll receive a good number of Dreamfoil and Golden Sansam while farming Rank-7 herbs in Hellfire peninsula, however if you want to speed things up a bit then un'goro is a pretty good place to be. Rank-7 herbs : Inscription 300-350+ Ancient Lichen, Dreaming Glory, Felweed, Mana Thistle, Netherbloom, Nightmare Vine, Ragveil, Terocone. More Guides Inscription: * Wowwiki - Inscription * Els Professions * Inscription guide * Wow professions