Sunday, March 21, 2010

7 x 80

And another character up to 80. Does it ever stop?! No, but anyway, I got the warlock up to 80 now. So that makes 7 in total. Why? Because I can. Or rather, the altitis itch was getting the better of me again. It's like, the char needed to be level 80 to get certain patterns, and it'd speed up farming for the older patterns. So eventually the itch got the better of me and I figured heck, onward to 80! Next on the line is my level 70 shaman probably. A few hierlooms here n there and he shouldn't take too long. Alternatively is the level 20 priest, but her way is a long longer before 80. Ah well, the list of patterns is still building up nicely. * Tailoring - Elrath: 294/401 Pugs And in the badge-runs you get to do after you meet such interesting... (idiots)... people. From paladins who're using their off-spec for the very first time, and thus "forgot" to put higher rank spells on their button bar, to druids who "tank" trash using mostly lacerate AND use growl to pull AND don't bother with Faery fire because his lacerate ignores armor anyway... Now I'm asking you... WHY? And then there's the usual tank who leaves after the first boss in Pit of Saron (normal), and then we spend 10 minutes waiting for a replacement. Now, I can understand to some degree why they do "that", and admittedly I've done it on my druid when I wanted the ring and belt (Though I gave up on that as they never dropped in a dozen runs). It's still pretty annoying for the people who sat in queue waiting for 15 minutes for the group even to be formed, while the tank jumps in without a queue, kills one boss, and then repeats the process. Off-spec bug Anyway, as for the off-spec spell thing. If you reach the proper level, and activate dual spec for 1000g it copies your interface at that time. If you switch back at around 60 or 70 to add a few spells to the list, and then completely forget you had said dual spec until level 80 or so.... In theory you should then have a mainspec with all the highest level spells on your button bar. Your "dual/alternative" spec will however still mostly have the same spells as you had at the time you bought the option. Now, since a lot of people level their character as DPS, they'll likely have their basic buttons set up from way back when. If you run a certain addon called RankWatch (GET IT!) you'll notice some frightening things about most of your healers and or tanks. Initially you might have thought they were simply bad players, or badly geared. But in reality a lot of pug players simply forgot to update the spells on their hotbar. And thanks to this addon, you can let them know! And even automatically spam them in whispers. Don't miss out, you'll save yourself and others a lot of repairs due to bad heals or poor aoe threat tanks. Some time in Cataclysm blizzard is planning to completely remove spell ranks, so the issue will automatically be fixed. But until then... Before I forget The awesome comic Treading Ground is updating again! I was somewhat pessimistic about it starting up again, but last week I did a quick check, and 'lo and behold, it was updating. Go check it out! And, Oglaf is as always still funny. (And only suitable for 18+, be warned) Also, some other good classics for you to enjoy. Check this little game out as well. It's a masterpiece in it's own right.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

More recipes!

I've been farming some things the last few weeks, and O M G, blizzard is quite malicious in the drop rate of some of those things.. The updated stats: * Enchanting - Zurgat: 280/296 * Engineering - Zurgat: 240/275 * Cooking - Zurgat: 169/169 * Blacksmithing - Geshrat: 315/464 * Leatherworking - Targash: 343/517 * Inscription - Arthul: 419/440 * Jewelcrafting - Arthul: 264/554 * Tailoring - Elrath: 288/401 * Alchemy - Neruhe: 186/248 Still a long long way to go either way. And not stopping anytime soon. Reputations to raise, old dungeons to farm, vendors to pillage. Oh yeah. It's the world drops that really are the biggest pain to get though. Occasionally theres a noob that puts up a recipe for cheaps, but those are almost as rare as the recipe itself. Warning! Supposedly there's a new virus generation which specifically targets WoW users with the authenticator. It'll catch the code you type, send it back to the hacker, and send a false key to blizzard. Thus, giving hackers half a minute to log in using your credentials, while you will be told that you're typing in the wrong key code. It should be obvious that the authenticator will still keep you a lot more secure than you would be without it. But as always, if you got a virus, bad things will happen. Also see: this link. Nerfed some more I'm sure you probably noticed the +5% damage +5% healing buff "hellscream's warsong" when in ICC. Which makes most of the encounters a LOT easier. It's said to go up to 10% in a few weeks, 20% later, and ultimately supposed to go up to 30% a month or few before Cataclysm is released. To ensure everyone gets to do hard modes and get easy gear. But, that's not all! The 4 March update according to MMOC added a few more nerfs: * In the Lord Marrowgar encounters, the boss will no longer reset threat after a bone storm and will now wait a small amount of time before attacking at the end of a bone storm. * In the Deathbringer Saurfang encounters, the boss is now less likely to cast Blood Nova on targets affected by Mark of the Fallen Champion. * In both normal and heroic versions of the 10 player Rotface encounter, the mutated infection ability will not be cast as quickly while the fight progresses. * In the 10- and 25-player heroic Festergut encounters, the malleable goo ability should no longer target pets. * In the Valithria Dreamwalker encounters, the duration of Emerald Vigor and Twisted Nightmares were slightly increased. * In the Sindragosa encounters, the duration of the instability debuff was slightly reduced. Some of these seemed really unneeded. Ninja powah! Also my Billy char just finished PizzaWitch on Crazy hard mode. Time to re-get the last two lost weapons and loop to Season 19 for great awesome points (Trophies / achievements in warcraft terms). There's less achievements to be had in total, but currently on 40, looping should get me another two at least, and unlock two more (for doing PW easy mode). Fear the ninja :P Fantasy village also needs more ninjas, come and join us! Also, my yummy r00t stats on the right. They're yummy, because I've just consumed 16 yummy pizzas. Hence the duo level is so high.