Monday, October 24, 2011

Dragon Tavern Logger v1.0.5

It's not been "all that" long since the previous release, but I figured this is a worthy update. Behold it's awesome glory! v 1.0.5 here Also a quick honorary mention to the Farm-Fresh Icons by FatCow. I've added a good few of those in this version. So the application is looking a lot "better" than before. It's a relatively short update list this time, but all useful stuff. I figured it would be unkind to keep people waiting for a major feature that was announced months ago. Updates in v1.0.5: * Fixed the names of "Temple of Filth", "The Sandy Beggar" and "Den of the Delvisha" in Zones.ini - hope that's the last of them, but can't be 100% sure just yet. * Data analysis dialog(F9) added. You'll be able to find detailed % of which zones have the highest population to hunt. * Added background color preferences(F11) for the data analyzer. Fixed colors for now, but you can change the activation %. * Inventory list by default now sorts the value/weight column instead of the weight column. * Main window tables and Inventory dialog table changed to "read only" - doesn't affect anything but it looked silly if you tried to double click it. * Added lots more icons. And of course "lots more data". But I could add that line to every update :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

BlizzCon day 1

So, that is day one done. Onward to day 2. Big recap post here on MMOC. Diablo 3 The video is interesting. The rest that was shown, is mostly old news. There should be some more stuff about D3 coming this Saturday however. Panda bears Where to begin... Basically, there's going to be an expansion added which adds more dungeons, more raids, a new race that both factions can use, and a new class which will be rolled by just about everyone and is going to roll on leather armor. We'd thus have: * 3 Cloth classes: Warlock, Mage, Priest. * 3 Leather classes: Druid, Rogue, Monk. * 3 Plate classes: DK, Warrior, Paladin. * 2 Mail classes: Shaman, Hunter. I anticipate the next class to be added will be using mail armor. Don't you agree? That is another year and a half away at the least though. Still, I recall blizzard writing something like: * The reason why we don't release a new class and a new race in the same expansion, is because we want balance. If we released a new class and a new race at the same time everyone would be rolling that exact combination. So instead of having a variety of players roll "race" warrior, shaman, rogue etc, the majority of new characters would be "race" + "class". And yeah, that is EXACTLY what is going to happen now. Mostly because Undead Monks would look utterly ridiculous. Not to mention gnomes, or dwarves. Or gods no,. Tauren monks. o_o No female pandaren shown yet, much like when the worgen were first unveiled. But,. they will be fat and ugly much like taurens in all likelyhood. Horde AND Alliance This will be the first race that will be playable by both factions. Imagine the confusion on PvP. Imagine the frustration at all the haters of the race who are unable to kill the bears by switching factions. This, really is just a clear case of lazy blizzard, or lack of available development time. I can just imagine the conversation that must have gone on at Blizzard Activision HQ. "OK, we need a new class for this expansion, anyone ideas?" "Let's add Pandaren!" "That is not even a class but a race, are you retarded? That was an April fools joke from years ago." "But then we could add monks!" "But if we add a new race, we'd need a different race for the other faction as well." "Why not just make it available for both factions? Would save us a ton of work!" And shit ensued. Whoever ended up actually agreeing with the original idea certainly shouldn't earn his Christmas bonus this year... If they are going further down the furry path - as they seem to be, they might as well have added Tigren - image top-right, drawn by Susan Van Camp. It would fit perfectly with the Asian like culture of the Pandaren, give both factions a new race and would allow them to utilize the monk class as well. I'm going to guess some dick at Blizz HQ saw this movie one too many times and stole just about every idea for the new expansion from there. It could have been less bad than it is slated out to be right now. But they won't be changing this stuff this late in development. I'll wanna sho yu mah pokermans! So, another major feature of this expansion will be "pet battles". "Challenge other players’ companion pets with your own collection in a new tactical mini-game, and find out who's king or queen of the pint-sized battlefield." OMG, doesn't that sound exactly like the pokemon game we already heard so much of? Also, pet battles will be considered part of the level 90 endgame. Seriously just, what the heck. Blizzquote Q: What are companion pet battles? In Mists of Pandaria, we are adding a new tactical mini-game that will give the Snowshoe Rabbits, Mechanical Squirrels, and other cute lil’ companion pets players collect something to do other than stand around looking adorable. Companion pet battles allow players to pit their pint-sized pals against other players’ pets (or against special critters you come across in the wild) in strategic, turn-based combat. Pets will level up as they earn combat experience, and each companion in the game will have its own set of stats – such as attack and defense rating – along with unique abilities with their own tactical merits. During a pet battle, players will be able to swap companions out strategically depending on which pet they’re facing or what abilities might come in handy against a given foe. Pet battles are meant to be completely independent from your character’s main progression, and the rewards won’t offer additional advantages in regular PvP or PvE situations such as Battlegrounds or raids -- though they should help pass the time while you’re waiting for your group to recoup from a particularly nasty wipe. Say what? More distractions, as if recovering from a wipe didn't take long enough already. Now we'll have people messing around with their pets instead of healing, buffing and getting ready to go again. Uncool. Now, there is one thing that is somewhat unclear - they are referring to these critters as "companion pets" rather than "pets" or "vanity pets". This puts me to suspect you won't be using your current collection of 175+ pets. Though, there are enough pets there, and the numbers are coming close to the giant number of pokemon that some of you might have memorized. But still, there is still a fraction of doubt that is not addressed in the list of features. Pet Battle System * You will be able to collect, level, and battle with companion pets. * It will be accessible to all players. * Works with almost every pet * Pet Customization, you will be able to name your pet, give them visual abilities, etc ... * There will be "Wild pets", you can find them in the world and engage in battle with them. You will then be able to get that pet and add it to your Pet Journal. * Pets have random stats, some of them will be very good at tanking, some will have a CC ability, etc ... * Some pets will only be found during a specific season, while it's raining, or during the day or the night. Some of them will only spawn in the spring, when it's raining, in elwynn forest at night! * Most pets will become tradable, even after it's leveled, etc ... * Pets will be account wide * Your pet journal will display info on all your pets, including stats, skills, and also drop locations and lore info for the pets you don't have yet! * Winning battles earns you experience, and levels your pets. * You will learn new abilities. Every pet can use 3 abilities in a battle at one time. * Every time you level you will also increase the stats of your pet. * You will level multiple pets to build your team. * You have 3 battle slots, one for each pet in your team. Yes, pokemons Every.Single.Feature of this pet battle system is screaming pokemon. Now, I've got nothing against pokemon - aside that it's for kids who shouldn't even be playing WoW. But don't put this crap in my WoW and expact me to love it. At the same time though,. it couldn't possibly be worse than Archaeology. *groan* See here for more features listed in the BlizzCon panel. Talents v3.0 So, our entire talent tree is going AWAY and being rewritten, redefined, recreated from scratch. Instead, you'll get some passive / free abilities every 10 or more levels, and a "talent point choice" every 15 levels. rather than have the freedom to choose a wide variety of ways to spend your points in weird and amusing specs as was the case in Talents v1.0, or be forced to spend at least X points in 1 tree and then have 10 more points to spread around like in Talents v2.0, blizzard decided people weren't really using that freedom because a lot of people were using cookie cutter builds. Well DUH, if there is a best way to spec your character to do the most healing, or more damage then people WILL spec that way. So, instead they got rid of those choices entirely and invented Talents v3.0 where... you get 6 choices of 3 talent specials. In the case of druids and pretty much every other class you can investigate those choices and quickly notice that you now have even less of a choice than before. You will either pick a PvP talent, a PvE talent for DPS or a PVe talent for Healing (or utility if your class does not heal). GUESS WHAT? Every single PvP player will be picking the PvP talents, every healer will be picking the healing talents, and every DPS will be picking whatever talents result in the highest Damage on a Raid or instance boss. The trees are not final yet, but so far it's a sad looking affair. Realistically, the only way they'll get me to try this expansion, would be if they added a Real Money AH like Diablo 3 is getting. So I could sell my junk and be done with it. Also, the Mists of Pineapple website by blizzard.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to crash MMO-Champion

Simple, just run a BlizzCon.

502 Bad Gateway

Only took about 15 minutes of half the world hammering F5 F5 F5.

The thing that really got it down though was "Mists of Pandaria is the next WoW Expansion". Oh boy... seems to be having the same issue - gee I wonder why :P

Well, I suspect MMOC will be down for pretty much the rest of the evening unless they invoke the "emergency interface" again, but what I did manage to pick up so far was the following:


* New WoW expansion, "Mists of Pandaria". Talent system will be revamped.
* PoD will not have a "main villain" as we had in WotLK and Cata, but will focus on the Alliance vs Horde war. It seems that idiot leader from Stormwind is going to escalate things after all...
* Diablo 3 will be "free" for people who subscribe to WoW for 12 months. (40 euros one time fee, vs 12x13 euros = over 150 Euro) Bwhahahahah! No really, what? Oh yeah you get a flying tyrael horse mount as a bonus. But seriously, you will be playing Diablo 3. Why on earth would you want a 12 month WoW subscription at the same time? Ridiculous.
* Diablo 3 will be available in a collector's edition box as well.

WoW expansio:

* Level cap: 90 (Expected really)
* New class: Monk (Inspired by the Diablo 3 monk perhaps)
* New race: Pandaren (OK, this, is just gay, lame, stupid, retarded. I hate it, but we'll see how things end up in time.)
* Pve Scenarios (What?)
* Pet Battle System (Got to catch 'em all, yo)
* New continent: Pandaria
* Challenge mode dungeons.

Whole bunch of pictures here once you can get on there.

Utterly ridiculous I say. Disgusted.

* The Pandaren were initially planned to be the Alliance race in The Burning Crusade.
* The Pandaren will be playable by both Alliance and Horde. (Say WHAT? Confusion all around... this was supposed to be a neutral race. But then, so were Goblins.)

Diablo 3

Now this is more like it. Black soulstone.

Speaking of Diablo 3, D3 Markets is a really interesting site to take a look at some time.

Pandaren Racials

Yeah, the sequence of this post is a bit messy, but it'd be weird to add updates in the middle.

* Bouncy: Reduces fall damage by half. (So, they are all rogues in a way)
* Inner peace: Double rested XP. (Even faster leveling,. silly, but I guess expected.)
* Gourmand: +15 to cooking. (Lame and useless, but fits lore I guess.)
* Epicurean: Double stats to food buffs. (That seems rather OP to me... Just imagine your rogue getting +120 Agi instead of +60 from a food buff, quite good overall, but won't compare to specific +5% beasts damage or +5% pet damage that some races have. time will tell I guess.)

And Blizz made an Official Page for the expansion.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dragon Tavern Logger v1.0.4

I spent most of my saturday getting the new features in. And I must say it's AWESOME to finally have the data stored separately. Updated the changelog / download link on the DT Forum, and of course v1.0.4 can be downloaded right here from hotfile. A few fixes and some new major features in this release. Updates in v1.0.4: * Fixed name of "Planar Crossroads" and "Sliverghoul Burrow" in Zones.ini. * Inventory list dialog is now sortable. * Implemented alternating row colors for all tables. * Collected data is now stored separately from the developer data. You will never have to worry about losing your data after upgrading again! * Added preferences dialog (F11). Currently you are able to hide the developer collected data, and show/hide the combined data columns. * Added hotkey for help dialog (F1) and about dialog (F2). Main screen: * Gathered data method changed to "table views" to support host/local data. * The table row indication for new creatures found during this exploration attempt will now draw in a "bold" style instead of show "(+1)". * Zoneview and Dataview tables are now sortable! - Current sort column and direction will be remembered in the settings. * Made the screen slightly less wide. (Around 40-50 pixels or so) * Added ability to hide the browser navigation bar. You can find the option in the preferences dialog (F11). * Added ability to manually refresh the data view with the push of a single button. (The image on the right is from an early beta of 1.0.4) See this post for older versions. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blood, Vampires and Violence

A wise man once said: "With Great Breasts comes Great Responsibility". Now, whether you find that a wise quote or not he should have said: "comes a large horde of teenage fan boys". I haven't even really started telling you what I was about to tell you, and yet I know for SURE you have been looking at the image on the right. You were, right? I knew it! The Game At any rate, I've been playing the Open Beta version of a game called Rusty Hearts. It is Free to Play and available on Steam. Like pretty much all Free-to-Play games it has some ways for you to spend money and buy in-game items to look better, get faster XP and be stronger and better than the other players who don't use their parent's credit card to buy virtual goods. The Good Even though it's beta, the game "as it is" it enough to keep you busy for a good few nights. The world is fairly small (one town with three areas) right now, but each area has access to one or more dungeons with several (4-8) sub-dungeons. Each available in up to four difficulty settings. Normal, Hard, Very Hard and Blood mode. The game has an Auction house - though it's not yet fully functional. Or if it is, I couldn't get it working the way it should be. The controls are fairly easy to get use to - basically smash anything and everything as soon as it's off cooldown. And there are a ton of quests to ensure you always have a reason to go to each of the dungeons. Tons of items, stuff to craft, some mild comedy (card board cut-outs of some npcs), and several indications that the game originates from the Asian areas. The Bad Being a beta game is fine, and gives you an excuse for some of the bugs, random crashes, glitchy graphics, hopping npcs, and server downtime. The Auction house search feature not working, and Goldspammers going on and about their way for over 12 hours straight on the same character without getting banned, is pretty lacking. Either not enough GMs, or simply a low priority on the to-do list. PvP, due to the fact that you can "buy" a number of advantages PvP is going to be unfair. The advantages might be small, but in PvP it's the small things that will determine the outcome of a battle. Still, you'll quickly find PvP to be more skill based than dungeons. You won't win if you don't know how to block, dodge and counter attack a good opponent. And the ugly The atmosphere would be great, if not for the fact that... you got people running around in teddy bear or shark costumes. Or with cardboard-cat head boxes on their head. Beside that, there are currently only three classes/characters that can be selected. Coming this October 25'th a fourth is being added to the mix. (As seen in the first picture up top) This will put the total to two guys, and two girls. Frantz, a sleepy looking half-vampire. Angela, a witch with (an) epic b.. ig sword. Tude, a werewolf, still mostly in human form. Natasha, a gunslinger with great big round b.. eautiful eyes. That's it. Beyond that, you have a wide range of craftable and questable customization to allow you to distinguish from the masses. Black hair, white, brown, blue, yellow and many other colors. Regular clothes, cowboy, drag-queen, vamp and many others. But you'll always be the same "character" as the others. One of four. Especially in the starter area, that gives people the creeps. But still,.. It's without question the game aims at the teenage generation of gamers. But, if you can look past the initial impressions (I assure you, It's pretty easy to do so) you'll quickly find the game to be a hectic and bloody fun hack-n-slash that will suck up most of your spare time. Plenty of epic b.. oss battles at the end of some dungeons as well, if that's your thing. And I know most of the WoW players will want some diversion from the endless daily quests ;) I'll let the screenshots speak for themselves. Lots of fire, explosions, and a tiny girl swinging around a Scythe twice her size.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Rest iPeace.

Some didn't like him, but one way or the other, he's had a profound effect on how we listen to music or make calls.