Sunday, May 22, 2022

Lost Ark

Released on the 11th of February 2022 to the "western world". Meaning USA and EU. The game was already available in the Asian regions some time before that.

The Grand Lines

Lost Ark is a curious mix of Diablo (or Path of Exile), Diablo, Guild Wars, Final Fantasy and then stuck into an Asian coat with some MMO craziness. It's an isometric game much like Diablo, but you're in an MMO-like world with channels much like Guild Wars (2). There's open world bosses, dungeons and ever SO many items and things to do that you'll wonder where your spare time went before long.

There are, simply put, a lot of good things to say about the game.

That said however, I quit after less than 3 months.

The Pretty Simple Story

The story is, all considered pretty generic and forgettable. The world is in trouble, you are the legendary hero who has to save the world. Find the 7 fragments of the "Ark", battle demons, etc. You can pretty much skip most of the dialogue and not really worry about missing anything important. Even multiple choice options all lead to the same result.


It honestly needs saying, and just to give you an idea I'll list some stuff. Since the game was already released, we (Europe / USA) the players basically get dumped into a MMO that's already been somewhat "progressed". As with most MMOs they tend to enjoy keeping their players "busy". Lost Ark is no different in that regard, as it has literal tons of content to keep you busy. That in itself can be good, but it can also be pretty overwhelming to suddenly go from 4 buttons to 50 buttons to choose from after your initial tutorial quest.

- Single player / quests / character progression up to level 50 (60)
- Base gear, Tier 1, 2 and 3
- Gear refining (15 or more), use materials you farm in dungeons to hone your gear for more dmg, health, etc.
- Auction house for player trades.
- Pets, with pet inventory and player perks.
- Various player classes, each with +- 20 skills (8 active at a time)
- Character personalization and customization. Skins, and virtue system.
- Gem system (reduce skill cooldown, improve skill damage) - Tier 2+
- Jewel system. (bonus skills to improve damage, reduce cooldowns, add armor, a chunk of health, etc). Which also has success/failure rates.
- Personal hideout - be the lord of your own island which you can decorate, use as a base, add decorations to and use to farm materials, craft potions and send out ships to raid dungeons.
- Card collection, packs and inventory space.
- Roster level (a whole extra XP bar)

And that's just the loot and character progression side of things.


Meta gaming to the next level

Obviously a game like this has achievements. Challenge a player to a duel to get an instant 100 XP for your roster. Yes the roster. You can level up one character to level 50, and then you are "done" and get to work on tier gear and honing. However, you can still reach level 60 for extra skill points and health. Sure the total XP requirement jumps from 1 million to 40 million, but the tier 3 quests do give a good chunk of extra XP.

Why stop at one character though? This game pushes you to 50 pretty fast, and once you are there you get a "power pass". A ticket which you can use to instantly boost an extra character to level 50. But it doesn't stop there - once you use the power pass, you get ANOTHER one! So, you're suddenly looking at 3x level 50 characters.

A few quests, and one continent later - your first character probably still level 50, and you get ANOTHER one. Yes they don't mess around in Lost Ark, they want you to work those alternate characters and aren't being shy about it either. Obviously you have a limit of 6 characters per server, so if you want to make more you'll have to pay for it - but those servers need to be paid for somehow right?

Your roster is "all your characters". Completing achievements, doing quests, dungeons and miscellaneous in-game activities all award roster XP. Every roster level awards all your characters (global/shared) either with +5 Str/Dex/Int, or +5 Vit. So after 20 levels you'll have +50 of each. It doesn't stop there obviously, because a few hundred roster levels to earn.

It's a good thing there's a few thousand different achievements to earn, from "kill 300.000 monsters" to "play each individual song 100+ times" or even "use the in-game selfie mode to take a picture of yourself on several islands". Or dumb ones like "invite 50 friends".

Islands - to the wide ocean and beyond

The first continent is just a warm-up for the rest of the game. Once you get yourself your first boat, the world is your oyster. There are several dozen islands to visit. (Almost) each and every island has a "soul" that you can earn to consider that island completed. Every 5 souls collected you get an additional reward. A tool that improves your movement speed on islands, some bonus stats, or items for another collection.

Yes, island souls are just one collection among near a dozen.
- Island souls, as above.
- Mokoko seeds - hidden easter eggs to find across the entire world (there's over 1000!), and some are very well hidden even in dungeons.
- Omnium stars - there aren't a lot, but they give big rewards. Some may be obtained through long quests, dropped by a tier 3 world boss, or an expensive drop from a seafaring merchant.
- Masterpieces - Collect paintings from various artists around the world, dungeons and other meta sources. Once you collect a lot of these you'll be rewarded with a lot of gold and other things.
- Ignea tokens - These are basically  "zone completed to 100%" tokens. A lot of work, many days of farming and being nice to several NPCs to the point of madness.
- World Tree leaves - The most painfully random and slow to get item because you need to do every single gathering profession, all 6 of them. (Fishing, Mining, Logging, Herbalism, Archaeology (Excavating), and Hunting. Since you're limited to about 10K "work energy" that slowly regenerates, you're in for the long haul on this.

Each island is it's own unique little biome. Some are simple quest hubs, others feature a dungeon or an hourly/weekly recurring event. Others a unique experience all on their own, and more are being added every so and then. It's a good way to add a little bit of extra content at a time, but since we're getting dumped into an existing game it'll feel pretty overwhelming - what island should I visit next?

Sadly, it's not all good

The first thing you'll notice upon completing your opening tutorial is - a suspicious number of similar looking "players" all following the exact same route. Oh, and it seems you now have area chat as well. BUY GOLD NOW, USE DISCOUNT CODE LAG,. oh... no. Let's try talking in Area chat... BUY GOLD NOW, USE DISCOUNT CODE LAG,.. straight as pink text whispered to you - three times in a row.

Yes, bots and spambots rule this game. Most notable the tier 1 content is absolutely infested with them. If you've every played WoW, Diablo or pretty much any multiplayer game that has trading - you'll be familiar with them. Lost Ark takes that notion and turns it up to eleven. I can guarantee you, you will feel sheltered and blessed to have never had to deal with a bot infestation like this.

There are bots for:
- Running early single player content, so they can spam you in different zones.
- Running islands and events - to earn gold.
- Standing in a single spot, and farming drops from special creatures that spawn there.
- Running chaos dungeons (swarm type dungeon) for trade materials.
- Buy/sell items on the auction house.

You would think "huh that IS a lot of bots", staff would do something about those right? I ask you "What staff?". Honestly, an untrained monkey could randomly smack buttons on the keyboard and get rid of more bots than the Lost Ark staff ever seems to have. They don't care, they do nothing. Players report bots, and after an X number of reports I guess the bots are muted or removed. But the bot owners don't care, they just make more bots - endless numbers of them. Players eventually give up, stop reporting the bots, or just stop playing.

Amazon/Smilegate have posted several "we are aware, we are working on it" messages - but so far nothing has improved. If anything they've removed more honest players than bots in their attempts. I could rant on about this, but the above picture speaks for itself. In broad daylight so to say. They don't have any staff, no Game Masters, nothing is being done, and nothing will improve. Meanwhile they are creating new content, recently added a new dungeon/raid/zone and giving more false promises.

If you're one of the few rare pearls who isn't bothered by a few bots - try this game. But keep your wallet closed.

Isn't a F2P game kind of P2W?

Yes, and no.
You "can" spend money to speed up research, add more work energy, buy gold, buy resources, buy gold, buy cards, buy gold, buy fashion, etc. You "can" buy a lot of things that speed things up and improve your power - so yes, it's kind of P2W (Pay to Win). As a paying customer you will always have a clear advantage over most unpaying customers. Some of those perks are fairly minor, some not so minor.

The main thing is when you add more character slots, or increase your gold hoard to buy out all the trade materials from the auction house. Stuff that could take most free customers weeks could be finished in a day or less. Are you really playing a game in such a case? Are you really enjoying yourself? Do you enjoy opening your wallet and being "stronger" than other players with little or no effort? Yep, this is a game like that.

Most people don't go to such excess, but if you open the wallet and clean out all the gems on the auction house - you're not really playing a game for fun but for status.

PvP is not really affected.
To start a PvP match, you need to pre-build a specific set of skills for your class. Everyone is given the same amount of skill points and stats. Previous achievements do not affect your PvP build. With one tiny exception - time. If you enjoy PvP and play it a lot, you'll get PvP ranks. Eventually you'll earn enough pvp "points" to buy a charm that reduces your damage taken, stun duration etc by 1-x%. Everyone is able to get it eventually - but it does take a lot of PvP matches to reach that level.

Given that everything (material farming, collectible farming, dungeons, alts) all costs time to "do". You may find you just lack the energy to do pvp as well. And since PvP is really all that is left for those who bought everything in the game with their credit card - the players you run into during your few hours of PvP time may be considerably challenging. Especially when you realize that PvP is sincerely unbalanced in terms of class skills.

Heavy armored single target DPS Berserkers will usually just - last longer than your generally squishy "love for AoE" sorceress.


Don't bother.

Unless you enjoy mindless grinding ad-infinitum for little reward, getting your retinas seared out by 30 players blasting AoE and super saturated graphics on a rare monster spawn/island location at the same time, aren't bothered by F2P/P2W mechanics, hundreds and even thousands of bots on your server forcing you to wait in queue for half an hour before you can even log on.

The bottom line is, it's a beautiful game. I wish it took longer to level up a character. I wish Amazon/Smilegate actually put any kind of effort into fighting the bot invasion. The game has/had so much potential, but falls so very much short of both expectations and shows a grim and very rotten reality that seems to take most people no more than a month or two to realize.

Just, stay away from it.

Friday, January 14, 2022

The Yooka-Laylee series

A short introduction

Today we are gonna learn a little bit about Yooka-Laylee and Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Developed by Playtonic Games and published by Team17 Digital Ltd in 2017 and 2019 respectfully, these games follow the adventures of Yooka and Laylee, a chameleon and a bat, as they try to defeat Capital B and stop his evil plans.



Have you ever played Spyro games as a child? Are you having trouble finding games similar to that good old collect-a-thon style? Well, look no further! Yooka-Laylee is the modern equivalent of the old classics. 

The Story

As Yooka and Laylee were enjoying themselves Capital B puts his plan to steal all the books of the world into motion. Out heroes try to stop their special book from being stolen, but they only succeeded in scattering the golden pagies. And so their quest begins. Their goal is to find all the pagies and find out who is behind all this.

The World

You begin your adventure in the Hivory Towers, the main hub world of the game. Here you will find the Grand Tomes, which will teleport you into their own worlds. Unlocking the grand tome requires a certain number of pagies. Another ability you have is to expand the grand tomes. This also requires pagies but will, as its name says, expand the world within the grand tome, revealing more puzzles, collectibles, characters, and (usually) the boss.


In their adventures, Yooka and Laylee will encounter a variety of creatures, some helpful, others not so much. Trowzer will sell you moves and abilities, Vendi will allow you to equip different tonics, Dr. Puzz transforms you, Rextro unlocks the arcade games, while Kartos presents the Kartos Challenge (More on this under mini-games).

Vendi's tonics will give you small benefits like extra hp or energy. Or alternate the quality of the graphics, or maybe produce sounds when you are near a secret. Nothing game-breaking but helpful if needed.

Other, less relevant characters will either change the world (Nimbo), or have repeated (Clara Lost, Planker) or one-off quests (Duke).


Unlocking a new area in the Hivory towers or spending quills at Trowser's will give you abilities. Abilities usually spend energy to use. Most of these are needed to complete quests, find the collectibles and secrets. Some of the most notable ones include flying, aoe blast, underwater walking and going invisible.


So, what is it that you will be collecting? Good question. Apart from the golden pagies, which are the main focus of the game, you will also be collecting Quills, Ghost Writers, Mollycooles, Play Coins, Health and Energy extenders, as well as the very hidden Pirate treasures.  Each Grand Tome has 25 golden pagies, 200 quills for you to find, 5 different ghost writers, 1 each of mollycool, play coin, hp extender, energy extender, and a pirate treasure. Quills are used to purchase new abilities. Collecting all of them rewards you with a golden pagie.

Ghost Writers

Every ghost writer is different and has a unique twist. Normy, the yellow one is usually hidden somewhere in the open. Ann-Gree, the red one is battle-hungry and will attack you if you approach him. Defeat him in order to collect him. Evie, the green one is very elusive and will require some quick reactions to be caught. Heidi, the blue one, was the most difficult for me. It requires you to actually listen to its laughter (it is invisible most of the time, flashes on the screen sometimes), then use Laylee's Sonar to reveal it. Last, but not least, Fee-Dee, the purple one will require you to feed it berries before being collected. Once again, collecting all of them will reward you with a golden pagie.


Looking for a change of pace? Find a mollycool in a grand tome and talk to Dr. Puzz. She will activate her machine and transform you into something, let's just say, world appropriate. These transformations come with their own quests and abilities, so feel free to explore as much as possible.

Find a play token and speak to Rextro to unlock arcade mini-games. These include top-down kart racer, flappy bird, and many more... Beating them once rewards a pagie, but setting a high score will reward a second one. Other than flappy bird, they are not difficult and you should succeed first try.

Finally, finding Kartos and talking to him will start the Kartos challenge. Ride the rails and collect a certain amount of gems in order to complete the challenge. Interestingly enough, if you cannot find the Capital Cashino boss, don't worry. Once you complete the Kartos challenge, you will immediately trigger the boss fight of that world.


All bosses in this game are somewhat part of the world. The great Rampo is a damn in the Tribalstack Tropics, I.N.E.P.T is the security guard in the Capital Cashino, Planette is a literal planet in the Galleon Galaxy... Each fight has a unique twist, which I will let you find out on your own.

Special thank you to Dr. Quack for those annoying quizzes. Not exactly a boss, but more of an encounter, he will ask you several multiple choices questions about the grand tomes, characters, or even your own stats. 3 lives, 10 points. Good luck.

Minimum requirements:

OS: Windows 7 (64bit)
CPU: Intel i5-2500 3.3GHz
RAM: 8Gb
GPU: Nvidia GTS450 / AMD Radeon 6850HD
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 9Gb available space
Notes: A controller is strongly recommended

Yooka-Laylee and the impossible lair

A Sequel or a new take?

Unlike Yooka-Laylee, Yooka-Laylee and the impossible lair is a 2D platformer. And while many characters and items return, the differences are significant. Trowser doesn't sell abilities but unlocks paywalls to gain access to new levels. Quills are back as the main currency, ghost writers are back, but this time as special colored quills. Pagies have special minigames and will allow you to alter the overworld. 

The story continues, as Capital B is back and trying to take over the kingdom. It's up to our trusty heroes to prevent the new disaster. Their goal this time is to assemble the queen's bee-talion and stop Capital B as soon as possible.

Overworld and Levels

In this game, you start in the tutorial but are thrown into the impossible lair immediately after. It is possible to succeed in beating it right there, but it requires incredible skill. Some speedrunners have done it in less than 15 minutes. 

After expected death, you will be saved by the Queen bee and instructed to assemble the bee-talion as every bee you gather means taking 1 extra hit in the impossible lair. This is where it becomes interesting, the impossible lair remains open for you to try it at any given moment! It's up to you to decide how many bees are enough.

You unlock bees by completing levels scattered throughout the overworld. There is a total of 20 levels, but here is the twist: Each level has an alternative variant. So there are actually 40 levels to play! In order to unlock all levels, you will need to lower Trowser's paywalls, find and complete pagies challenges and solve various quests. Some variants are easily accessible, others will require you to think hard and find their triggers.

In addition, there are some bees hidden in the overworld, good luck finding and unlocking them. When you collect them all, you will have a total of 48 bees. Will this be enough to thwart Capital B? Find out for yourself as you try this game.

Minimum requirements:

OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-2125 or AMD A8-6600K
RAM: 6Gb
GPU: GeForce GTX 650 or Radeon HD 5770
Storage: 6Gb available space

There are many more things left unsaid about both games, but it's impossible to mention everything. Found something missing or incorrect? Let us know.

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Lords of the Fallen


Welcome to the world of Lords of the Fallen, an action RPG similar to Dark Souls, but ultimately very different. Decide the outcome of the war between the Rhogar and Humans. Explore the monastery in the Human Realm and the Rhogar temple as you teleport through dimensions. Help the NPCs you encounter on your travels. Solve various puzzles, complete quests, find the best gear possible, and battle the bosses in your own way!

The game was developed by CI Games and Deck13, and published by CI games on October 28th, 2014. With over 10000 reviews on steam, its current rating is mixed, but don't let that fool you! Lords of the Fallen is a solid RPG well worth your time. Read on and find out some details that might persuade you into buying it today!


Play as Harkyn, an ex-convict turned hero who just happens to be the only chance the humans have against the Rhogar invasion led by the mighty god Adyr. 

At the start of the game, you will have the choice of choosing one of three classes: the Warrior, the Rogue, or the Cleric, each with its own stats and magic abilities. 

The Warrior

This magic focuses on dealing lots of damage as well as increasing health regeneration. Very good for beginners as it directly helps in dealing with enemies.

The Rogue

Rogue's abilities increase energy restoration and have very nice combos, as well as invisibility with bonus damage. A good choice for anyone to likes to go in and out of combat.

The Cleric

Finally, the most defensive school of magic is the cleric. It increases magic recovery and focuses on creating shields, blocking damage, or counter-striking and stunning enemies.

After completing the game, you will be able to continue playing in NG+ and NG++ keeping your stats, abilities, and spells but choosing a new, different class to master.


The combat might seem slow to some, but was it ever fast to wield enormous hammers or greatswords? No, no it wasn't. The bigger your weapon is, the slower the combat is. The same thing applies to armor, even the lightest armor feels slow and heavy (but it's still steel armor). In Lords of the Fallen you generally have 3 options when choosing weapons: weapon and shield, dual handing a weapon, or weapon and gauntlet. Armor is divided into light, medium and heavy categories.


Let's start with the gauntlet as it is the only range option in the game. The gauntlet uses your magic to fire its abilities. It does this in one of three ways. Blast is a short-range blast that knocks back enemies. Explosive lobs an area of effect damage bomb. Projectile shoots a fast missile at the enemy.

All of these abilities can be altered with runestones, which you can mix and match to your style of gaming. For example. using the projectile with poison rune will not only deal damage over time but also slow your enemies allowing you to strike with more ease. 

Weapons range from small and fast weapons like shortswords and daggers to devastating greathammers and greataxes as well as anything in between. Of course, some weapons are better suited for certain classes. The fist weapons, shortswords, and the like match well with the rogue's style of hit and run. Cleric's high faith stat goes well with some greathammers that require high faith stat. Warrior can wield pretty much any weapon but works best with basic swords, hammers, or axes.

Theoretically, you could use the heaviest weapons with shields, but along staves, they are meant to be used dual-handed. 

Speaking of shields, they are separated into 3 categories: bucklers, kite, and tower shields. Bucklers require agility to use, while kite and tower shields need strength. You can also equip runes to shields, increasing some of their stats to further improve your chances of beating your enemies.


A big appeal in these type of games are the bosses and LotF does not disappoint. You will fight all kinds of creatures, from wild beasts to giant army commanders and mutated humans. All bosses drop equipment when killed, but if you find their weakness and exploit it, you will receive an improved version of the same equipment. These mini-quests can be to either not take any damage, or don't block or simply beat the bosses in a certain order.

Closing words

Lords of the Fallen might not be the best game out there, but it's fun and I like it. It has 56 steam achievements and took me around 35 hours to complete. Released in 2014 means that most systems can run it. 

Minimum requirements are:

OS: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 (only 64 bit)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66Ghz or AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0Ghz
RAM: 6Gb
GPU: GeForce GTX 460 or better
DirectX: Version 11
Memory: 25 Gb available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sounds card with latest drivers

Humble Dead of Winter Bundle


Humble has just (well, yesterday) released the Dead of Winter Bundle. We felt this one was worth a closer look.

First tier - 1€

Friday the 13th - the game

- Nothing to see here. Dead game, toxic community. Don't waste your dollar if this is the only game in the bundle that seems interesting to you.

Second tier ~6.44€

The previous item, and:

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School

- Jump scares, scary school and a janitor with buggy Ai. The ratings are ok, but expect to be annoyed by bugs.

White Day VR: The Courage Test

- A first person hidden-object horror game. It's cheap enough on it's own so don't expect too much from this one.

The Painscreek Killings

- Detective/investigation game. Good ratings, but you do need to enjoy walking sims.

Daymare: 1998

- A zombie shooter heavily inspired by Resident Evil. Not super highly rated but graphically it does stand out. Reviews on steam point out the writing is fairly mediocre and the game is fairly buggy.

Third tier - 9.76€

The previous items and:

Golden Light

- Now we're talking - this game is a first person (dark style) shooter. Though the game is still in  early access, it's already raking in high review scores. The game itself looks like an odd gore-fest doom engine with pretty odd graphics, but people seem to enjoy it on overall.

Dead Estate

- The star of this bundle. Pretty much the reason why you should get this bundle. As the game is around 11€ on steam right now, you're getting a discount and a bunch of other games for the same price. So, that seems a decent deal.

Dead estate is a pixel-art style action roguelike much like Blazing Beaks and similar room exploration games. It's an isometric shooter where you need to survive the rooms of the mansion. There's a ton of different weapons to find and use as you try to stay alive and progress through the game.

Review scores are "overwhelmingly positive" and the game was released just a few short months ago.

And if you're on the fence, there's always the free playable demo you can try first, and a discord that's active and has the devs taking community feedback.

Interested? Check out the bundle.