Saturday, December 01, 2007

Blog launched !!

I figured why the hell not.

Everyone is blogging something nowadays, whether it's porn, comics, or whatever the fuck the color of their crap was this morning. People seem to think they're interesting enough for the world to give a damn.

At any rate, here's mine then. >_>
And the crowd goes wild !!!... or not.

It's a warcraft blog, and whatever other bits i find that are interesting enough to list here.

Contact Info

If you have any questions or feedback unrelated to other posts, feel free to leave a comment here and it'll pop up straight into my mailbox. As you may understand I prefer not to leave my email up for general viewing due to spambots, goldsellers and general security reasons.

If you really must for whatever reason send me an e-mail with data you do not with the public eye to see, in case of emergency, or some other important stuff you don't want to post publically. I can be reached at bbr_tkihotmaildotcom. Since it's not my primary mail it may take a while to receive a response. So, if you're in a hurry I suggest you leave a message on this blog as well.

Or you can always make an alt horde on Aszune-EU ;)


  1. First of all thanks for taking the time to read this.

    I'm writing to you today to let you know about

    So what does WarAnvil have to offer the WoW community? First of all we operate our homepage as a blog. Our tag line for the blog is 'by players, for players'. Basically the idea behind this is to get a solid team of writers who play the game and can produce original informative articles on all aspects of WoW.

    Secondly we run free TeamSpeak servers for the WoW community. We set-up and run dedicated guild channels along with any channel people desire. All they need to do is contact us with the channel they'd like to use, we create it and then ensure it runs smoothly. As far as we are aware this is a unique service that only WarAnvil offers.

    Thirdly we are looking to build up our relationships with other blogs, and so we would like to exchange links with your blog.

    Thanks again for reading,



    We are also looking for people to join our team and produce blog content for the homepage, so if your intrested or know anyone that would be, then get intouch!

  2. Hey! I hope this comment finds you well. I was going to send it to the email address listed above, but you said that you might not check it for awhile, so I figured I go this route. I really like your site, and would like you to link to one with which I work. Please contact me at aquaman910[at]gmail[dot]com and I will let you know more about compensation etc...

  3. Hey bbr,

    I'm building an index of WoW information and I've recently added a link to Random Ravings of Warcraft. Each 'Listing' has a link, summary, user rating, as well as spaces for full description and images which are available to website owners.

    You can see a search page of your listings here to get an idea of how the site works:

    Once officially open the sites forums have threads for posting additional link requests for new content, or changes and error fixes in existing listings. You can also email me personally if you have new content you would like listed. Feel free to make my email available to staff but direct users to the forums please.

    Though WoW-j has a large and useful amount of information already, it is still young and growing daily. It's future is very much open to discussion or suggestion and any feedback is really appreciated.

    Good Luck and Thanks,
    Rich 'Lasitus'

  4. Just wanted you to know that I'm a fan of your blog and read it a lot even though I don't play WoW anymore (got stuck at level 75), brings me back to those days when I still had the time to play a lot. I've been wanting to go back but may be when Cataclysm arrives.

    Anyway, I made a blog post on what I believe are the 50 best WoW blogs out there on the net and I included yours in it. Hope you enjoy it. I also added you up to my blog roll!

    The post can be found here:

    Keep up the good work!


  5. Hi I was wondering if you could help me with something: I am hosting an in game contest called: The Prime Champion

    It is like a reality show, it lasts 4 weeks, and I will be giving away over $150 in prizes. and J!NX have donated prizes to the contest.

    Could you look my site over and run a story on it?
    Also feel free to contact me with any questions.


  6. Hey
    I just wanted to give you a buzz about my new site because it might be of interest to you and your readers. The site has 6 guides right now all written by arena gladiators with a dozen more to come.


  7. Hi,

    I stumbled across your blog and really enjoyed your post about "Has WoW lost its social prowness". Everyone is posting theories about what is causing WoW's decline and I found your thoughts pretty interesting. I was wondering if you have a twitter handle? I usually shout out links to blog posts I find particularly funny or informational and would love to tweet out some of yours. I use your twitter handle so my followers know who the author is.


    Co-Host Holy Shatt Podcast

    PS: I run a podcast on World of Warcraft with my friend Xantar. We have recordings available on our website ( and you can even listen into the live show on Sundays at 10PM Eastern / 7PM Pacific. We give away a 30 day World of Warcraft card every week in an email contest (all you have to do is email us a WoW question with the previous weeks secret word to this email address) and we're also giving away a Razer Naga mouse to our live show listeners.

    Sorry for the shameless plug :( I just love connecting with fellow World of Warcraft community members.

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