Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Some news snippets

CT_Profiles version 2.0 public beta has been released. Check it out, if the server manages to survive. Your old account should still work, but all your characters will be gone. MMOC listed some potential 2.4 sunwell loots. These look pretty sweet. And "Brutal Gladiator" is supposedly the name that Arena season 4 will take. This would be released before WotLK obviously, and have loot on par with the sunwell. Schwick updated his 2.4 thread about known info about the sunwell. World of warcraft now has 10 MILLION active players. Whoa ! (blue linky) 10 million players, that's pretty crazy. You could fill the Amsterdam Arena 195 times with that many people. LFGComic is currently on Issue 115. Dark Legacy is currently on Episode 126. If you're still having trouble with 2.3.3, check wowwiki for a list of mirrors. And, looking at the poll on the right --> It looks like 50% of the people voted so far want the article gold making #5 to be released soon :P It's in progress don't worry, but be sure to add your vote if you agree / disagree. Just sign up for the RSS, or check back frequently, and you might be pleasantly suprised soon (tm) as blizzard would say. Keep in mind i do tend to edit posts a few times after posting something, so if you think the RSS is freaking out, that's why. Also, shinystat is going to cap again today... Ah well, seems to work quite ok so far.

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