Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You might like this

Some random (I thought you might like this) stuff.

Web comics

While i wouldn't normally recommend black and white comics, this one is "really" good and updates frequently. The story starts with a priest who does God's work by killing demons, but in the end turns into that which he used to hate. Rated for Mature audiences, you've been warned.

If you haven't heard of, or seen this one before, shame on you !
Atland is a great online comic with big brea,, eh. big, well. just go look. The story and art is excellent too.

Life trough their eyes. Goblins is a comic about goblins in a D&D setting with occassional jabs in the direction of Warcraft. Highly popular.

Purgatory Tower
A number of convicted criminals are placed in a tower where they would be granted freedom if they are able to reach the top. Once inside however, the tower turns out to be an expansive jungle. Amazing art in this one.

Sorcery 101
A tale about werewolves, vampires and magic.

More links later.

Does it blend?

While the chuck norris idolization continues, these brave people have tried the unthinkable. Will Chuck norris blend?

Obviously no.
Check out some more short videos from these mad people who try to blend everything from iPods, milk and whole chickens, to golf clubs and brooms.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks bbr!

    This post single-handedly changed my day from a very boring one into one where I spent WAY too much time reading webcomics.

    My wife will probably hate you now...

  3. Well worth the risk i'm sure ^.^
