Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Elderly and Venerable

Saturday the 24th the Lunar festival will start up. It'll be active from Jan 24th to February 12th. There are several achievement points to be earned during those weeks for a total of 160-180 points. The most notable of these achievements are the elders. This is indeed yet another achievement that takes you all over the world in search of specific locations. If you're planning to get these elder achievements anyway then it's probably not a bad idea to get the reading and squirrel achievement at the same time. (Presuming you didn't already have them) The most up to date information on the Lunar Festival and the Elders can be found on the wowwiki page. It also lists the pictures and tables of locations for all but the WotLK locations. (They'll be added asap though) Strange enough Outland does not appear to house any elders. This year there will be a total of 75 elders scattered around the world. Which means getting 50 coins shouldn't be too hard. Another thing to note is that "each" elder will give you 75 reputation. If you're still working on getting the diplomat achievement, this series will give you about 5625 reputation in total for each faction of your home cities. (6187 for dirty hummies) The Elders I've collected all the Pre-TBC locations some years ago before the blog was started. Since then the list has been expanded and improved upon by others. A big thanks to all who have contributed in the past, and those who will do so in the future. Also see: Elders, Horde path, Alliance path The 75 elders this year are spread out as following:
  • 3 in Alliance cities
  • 3 in Horde cities
  • 21 in Kalimdor
  • 17 in Eastern Kingdoms
  • 6 in Normal Dungeons
  • 18 in Northrend
  • 7 in Northrend Dungeons The first 50 can be obtained from Kalimdor and Eastern Kindom. The next part is a fairly blatant copy from wowwiki. The original version was based on a list on the blizzard forums. Pictures coming also. Don't take the green dots as 100% accurate though. Horde Coin Path You should have your Hearthstone set to in Dalaran and use the portals outside the "filthy animal" to get to Orgrimmar. Be sure to pick up the "invitation" quest, you never know when a free HS to moonglade may come in handy. 1. Azshara - Far Southeast corner in Ravencrest Monument: [71, 85] Then fly to Everlook, or use the Goblin engineering teleport. 2. Winterspring - In Everlook: [61, 37] 3. Winterspring - Ruins of Kel'Theril, southwest of Everlook: [55, 43] Then fly to Bloodvenom Post 4. Felwood - North of Jaedenar: [37, 53] Then fly to Emerald Sanctuary 5. Ashenvale - West side Astranaar: [35, 48] [Elder Riversong] 6. Darkshore - Just south of Auberdine: [36, 46] Next take the northern boat from the docks west of Auberdine to get to Darnassus 7. Teldrassil - Darnassus, in Cenarion Enclave: [33, 14] 8. Teldrassil - Southern end of Dolanaar: [57, 60] Hearth and take the portal to Orgrimmar, or use the invitation card to get to moonglade then fly to Orgrimmar. 9. Orgrimmar - Valley of Wisdom: [40, 34] 10. Durotar - Razor Hill: [53, 43] 11. The Barrens - Ratchet, behind the bank: [62, 36] Then fly to Crossroads 12. The Barrens - Crossroads: [51, 30] Then fly to Camp Taurajo 13. The Barrens - Camp Taurajo: [45, 57] 14. Mulgore - Northend of Bloodhoof Village: [48, 53] 15. Thunder Bluff - Elder Rise: [72, 23] Then fly to Shadowprey Village 16. Maraudon - Jump into the water by the Princess and Rotgrip. Swim to the east and head up the ramp. Turn right and head up a 2nd ramp. The Elder will be in front of you. Then fly to Camp Mojache 17. Feralas - Lariss Pavilion, North East of Camp Mojache: [76, 37] 18. Feralas - Dire Maul, in the arena outside the instance: [62, 31] Then fly to Freewind Post. 19. Thousand Needles - Freewind Post: [45, 50] 20. Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats by Mirage Raceway: [79, 77] 21. Tanaris - Gadgetzan: [51, 27] 22. Zul'Farrak - In Ghazrilla's room by the gong. 23. Tanaris- In Uldum, far south Tanaris: [36, 80] 24. Un'Goro Crater - By Slithering Scar, above ground: [50, 76] 25. Silithus - In Cenarion Hold: [48, 37] 26. Silithus - Northwest in the Crystal Vale: [23, 11] Next, hearth to Dalaran or Shattrath City and take the portal to Undercity then fly to Light's Hope Chapel 27. Eastern Plaguelands - By Light's Hope Chapel: [81, 60] 28. Eastern Plaguelands - At Crown Guard Tower in the south: [39, 75] 29. Stratholme - North of the Festival Lane mailbox. If you go in via the back door, make your first left in the instance, go through the archway, turn right, and the Elder will be standing just past the next turn on the left. If you do not have a key, you will need to clear a lot of the instance in order to reach the Elder, so it's best just to find someone who can let you in. 30. Western Plaguelands - In the East, south of the Weeping Cave on the north side of the road: [65, 47] 31. Western Plaguelands - Atop the Scholomance tower, outside the instance: [69, 72] (enter Scholomance castle, go right, up step, left, left again — not straight — right, up stairs, up stairs to room lit by torch, right — not up wheelchair ramp — up and up stairs, she's on rampart). 32. Tirisfal Glades - Slightly south of the town of Brill: [61, 53] Enter Undercity again. 33. Undercity - In the middle of Undercity, above ground: [66, 38] Next fly to The Sepulcher. 34. Silverpine Forest - By The Sepulcher: [45, 41] Fly to Revantusk Village, Hinterlands 35. The Hinterlands - In the middle of The Hinterlands by the Creeping Ruin: [50, 48] Fly to Hammerfall, run through Wetlands to Loch Modan, or Fly to Kargath and then run up into Loch Modan. 36. Loch Modan - Thelsamar: [33, 46] 37. Dun Morogh - Kharanos by the inn: [46, 51] 38. Iron Forge - Mystic Ward. Next run all the way to Stormwind or run to Kargath, Fly to Grom'gol Base Camp and run north to Stormwind. Or you could simply take the Deeprun Tram inside Iron forge. This is the only really tricky part, as Ironforge is quite crowded. 39. Stormwind City - Park [36, 66] 40. Elwynn Forest - Goldshire, behind blacksmith: [39, 63] 41. Westfall - Atop the Sentinel Hill tower: [56, 47] 42. Stranglethorn Vale - Outside Zul'Gurub zone-in: [53, 18] Then fly from Grom'Gol Base Camp to Booty Bay. 43. Stranglethorn Vale - Near the Horde Wind Rider Master in Booty Bay: [26, 76] And fly from Booty Bay to Stonard 44. Sunken Temple - Swamp of Sorrows - Head left when you zone-in. Go up the set of stairs, kill the first set of dragon (you can stealth through them at level 60), and enter the main room with all the dragons. The Elder is in the northeast corner. 45. Blasted Lands - Just North of the Dark Portal: [57, 54] Fly from Stonard to Flame Crest 46. Burning Steppes - Flame Crest (that cave with the Libram guy): [64, 24] 47. Burning Steppes - On Dreadmaul rock north of Morgan's Vigil: [82, 46] Fly from Flame Crest to Thorium Point 48. Searing Gorge - Southwest corner in Blackchar Cave: [21, 79] 49. Blackrock Spire - After a few pulls into LBRS, the Elder will be across the first wooden bridge. 50. Blackrock Depths - In the middle of the Ring of Law. After that, it's time for Northrend. Hearthstone and jump to the northrend part of the guide. Alliance Coin Path You should have your Hearthstone set to Dalaran, then use the portal in the south area to get to Ironforge. These are fairly easily doable for any level 80 to solo. Even in instances like LBRS, you can just walk past most of the mobs. The only real challenge is the enemy racial cities where buffed guards and enemy faction players can make achieving your goal difficult. Nothing some stealth won't fix. 1. Ironforge - Mystic Ward. Fly gryphon to Thorium Point 2. Searing Gorge - Southwest corner in Blackchar Cave: [21, 79] 3. Blackrock Spire - After a few pulls into LBRS, the Elder will be across the first wooden bridge. 4. Blackrock Depths - In the middle of the Ring of Law. 5. Burning Steppes - Flame Crest (that cave with the Libram guy): [64, 24] 6. Burning Steppes - On top of Dreadmaul Rock north of Morgan's Vigil: [82, 46] 7. Stormwind - The Park [36, 66] 8. Elwynn Forest - In Goldshire, behind blacksmith: [39, 63] 9. Westfall - Atop the Sentinel Hill tower: [56, 47] Fly gryphon to Nethergarde Keep (via Sentinel Hill) 10. Blasted Lands - Just North of the Dark Portal: [57, 54] 11. Sunken Temple, Swamp of Sorrows - Head left when you zone-in. Go up the set of stairs, kill the first set of dragon, and enter the main room with all the dragons. The Elder is in the Northeast alcove. Then fly (via Nethergarde) or ride to the Rebel Camp 12. Stranglethorn Vale - Outside Zul'Gurub zone-in: [53, 18] 13. Stranglethorn Vale - Above the bank in Booty Bay: [26, 76] Then take the boat to Ratchet because this continent is more horde friendly you will basically follow this route on your mount rather than searching out flight points. 14. The Barrens - In Ratchet, behind the bank: [62, 36] 15. Orgrimmar - Valley of Wisdom: [40, 34] (Luckily for you, Orgrimmar is the largest Horde city, and just like Ironforge, the most crowded places are the bank, the mailbox, and the Auction House. Orgrimmar has two entrances. One in the south and one in the west. You will want to enter trough the western entrance since this is the entrance with the least players, however, you still have to outrun guards!) 16. Durotar - Razor Hill: [53, 43] 17. The Barrens - Crossroads: [51, 30] 18. The Barrens - Camp Taurajo: [45, 57] 19. Mulgore - North end of Bloodhoof Village by bridge: [48, 53] 20. Thunderbluff - Elder Rise: [72, 23] (Unlike Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff is not a very big city, therefore, you are much more likely to meet enemy players. However, Thunderbluff is just as popular a city as Darnassus is, and so you have a great chance of not being outnumbered. At least not by anything more than level 15 tauren druids. Enter by the north lift, and go east towards the elder rise.) 21. Thousand Needles - In Freewind Post: [45, 50] 22. Thousand Needles - In Shimmering Flats by Mirage Raceway: [79, 77] 23. Tanaris - In Gadgetzan: [51, 27] 24. Zul'Farrak - In Gahz'rilla's room by the gong. 25. Tanaris - Outside Uldum, far south Tanaris: [36, 80] 26. Un'goro Crater - By Slithering Scar, above ground: [50, 76] 27. Silithus - Northwest in the Crystal Vale: [23, 11] 28. Silithus - In Cenarion Hold: [50, 36] Hearth back to Dalaran and take the portal to Ironforge 29. Dun Morogh - In Kharanos by the inn: [46, 51] 30. Loch Modan - In Thelsamar: [33, 46] And then fly to Aerie Peak 31. Hinterlands - In the middle of Hinterlands by the Creeping Ruin: [49, 48] 32. Western Plaguelands - Elder Moonstrike is atop the Scholomance tower, outside the instance: [69, 74] 33. Western Plaguelands - In the Northeast, south of the Weeping Cave: [65, 47] 34. Eastern Plaguelands - At Crown Guard Tower in the south: [39, 75] 35. Eastern Plaguelands - By Light's Hope Chapel: [81, 60] 36. Stratholme - North of the Festival Lane mailbox. Enter through the back door. Make your first left in the instance, go through the gate, turn right, and the Elder will be standing at the back. 37. Tirisfal Glades - Slightly south of the town of Brill: [61, 53] 38. Silverpine Forest - By The Sepulcher: [45, 41] 39. Undercity - In the middle of Undercity, above ground: [66, 38] While in Undercity, use the [Lunar Festival Invitation] to port to Moonglade then fly to Everlook in Winterspring. 40. Winterspring - In Everlook: [61, 37] 41. Winterspring - Ruins of Kel'Theril, southwest of Everlook: [55, 43] Fly to Emerald Sanctuary 42. Felwood - North of Jaedenar: [37, 53] Fly to Azshara 43. Azshara - Far Southeast corner in Ravencrest Monument, right between the statue's feet: [72, 85] Hearth back to Shattrath and take the portal to Darnassus. 44. Darnassus, in Cenarion Enclave: [33, 14] 45. Teldrassil - Southern end of Dolanaar: [57, 60] 46. Darkshore, Auberdine - East of the Hippogryph Master: [35, 48] 47. Ashenvale, Astranaar - in the gazebo near the hippogryph: [35, 49] Fly to Nijel's Point 48. Maraudon - Jump into the water by the Princess and Rotgrip. Swim to the east and head up the ramp. Turn right and head up a 2nd ramp. The Elder will be in front of you. 49. Feralas - Dire Maul, in the Arena in the center of the Broken Commons, outside the instance: [62, 31] 50. Feralas - Lariss Pavilion, North East of Camp Mojache: [76, 37] Northrend The coordinates are not entirely certain at the time of writing this (but will be updated soon). There are 25 elders spread about in Northrend. None in Outland surprisingly. 18 outside dungeons. 7 inside dungeons. All dungeons with the exception of Gundrak, Utgarde Keep and Azjol-Nerub are soloable as a rogue or druid. For these you can always ask someone to invite you to a cleared Heroic instance and just run to the elder. 1. Elder Fargal in Frosthold (Storm Peaks 30, 74) 2. Elder Graymane in K3 (Storm Peaks 41, 84) 3. Elder Stonebeard in Bouldercrag's Refuge (Storm Peaks 32, 35) 4. Elder Yurauk in Halls of Stone - Normal (Storm Peaks) - Soloable with Stealth - halfway through Krystallus' room 5. Elder Muraco in Camp Tunka'lo (Storm Peaks 66, 51) 6. Elder Ohanzee in Gundrak - Heroic (Zul'Drak) - in Eck's room. Not soloable. 7. Elder Tauros in Zim'Torga (Zul'Drak 59, 57) 8. Elder Kilias in Drak'tharon Keep - Normal (Zul'Drak) - Soloable with Stealth - Located next to King Dred. 9. Elder Beldak in Westfall Brigade Encampment (Grizzly 59, 26) 10. Elder Lunaro in Ruins of Tethys (Grizzly 78, 35) 11. Elder Whurain in Camp Oneqwah (Grizzly 65, 46) 12. Elder Jarten in Utgarde Keep - Normal (Howling Fjord) - In the second room after the first boss. Soloable as rogue, but you will have to kill some mobs to get past the forge. Be careful of the gheist patrols. 13. Elder Chogan'gada in Utgarde Pinnacle (Howling Fjord) - Just after Skadi (not stealth-soloable) Left from the harpoons then down the stairs. 14. Elder Thoim in Moa'ki Harbor (Dragonblight 49, 75) 15. Elder Skywarden in Agmar's Hammer (Dragonblight 37, 48) 16. Elder Morthi in Star's Rest (Dragonblight 29, 55) 17. Elder Nurgen in Azjol'Nerub (Dragonblight) - In the room you drop into after Hadronox. Not soloable as you have to kill the first boss to proceed. 18. Elder Arp in D.E.H.T.A. (Borean Tundra 57, 44) 19. Elder Sardis in Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra 58, 69) - NE Side 20. Elder Pamuya in Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra 42, 55) - NE Side 21. Elder Northal in Transitus Shield (Borean Tundra 33, 35) 22. Elder Igasho in Nexus - Normal (Borean Tundra) - Soloable - Just before the tree boss. Go trough the center, then right to avoid the detecting patrols. 23. Elder Sandrine in Lakeside Landing (Sholazar 50, 62) 24. Elder Wanikaya in Rainspeaker Rapids (Sholazar 63, 51) 25. Elder Bluehoof in Wintergrasp (Wintergrasp - 50, 16) - Inside the Artefact room, need to hold WG. I got mine done, managed to piss off about 35 alliance, /loved some more more squirrels and eradicated a bunch of pests all at the same time, how about you?

    1. With the introduction of Stormwind Harbor the old coordinates are messed up.

      The right coordinates of the elder in the park is: 36, 66

    2. Cheers, updated it.

      Also added and updated an overview of the Northrend locations.

    3. Also, Elder Ohanzee is NOT stealth soloable, since you have to defeat Mam'Toth (a boss) in order to open Eck's room.

    4. Sorry, I mean the boss Moorabi.

    5. This was annoyingly boring, but I did it anyway. The only ones I'm missing now are the Elders in the Northrend instances. Hopefully do most of those today.

      On the plus side yes I did get the 83 rep and hit exalted with Gnomeragan and Darnassus. I will get really close with Exodar, the final one. :)

    6. Good work! :)

      I've got the beginnings of 2 more achievements halfway to being ready for posting.

      Birthday coming up soonish tho, so I'll probably slack a bit more :P

    7. Next time you copy paste the information from TourGuide LunarFestival. Give some credit :)

    8. Which I didn't, and thus won't.
      I give credit where it's due obviously.

      They probably copied it from wowwiki on their own.
      Aside of that, it's wow, if someone makes a guide on a particular subject, chances are it's going to look 90% the same.

    9. Stilllll working on them. Thank you for the write up. :)

    10. Lawl. A guildie and I formed a group and tried to take her 8yr old daughter, who has a level 27 hunter, to the elder in Orgrimmar. We knew it would be difficult at best, and my guildie repeatedly tried to convince her daughter to go at a different time. (I'll let you stay up super late! We'll go in the middle of the night!) but her daughter would not be swayed.

      Us big alliance people (level 80) got the elder after dying...a lot...but her daughter did not. However she did make it to the feet of the elder before she gave up. She went to play some guitar hero and went back early the next morning before school to get the elder and didn't' have a problem.

      The girl rocks. We were all in vent and she had us in stitches.

    11. This is a great guide, it helped me get this done a lot quicker than looking at the lists i found elsewhere.

    12. The elder in Gundrak is not in Eck's room, it is behind the Colossus, did it today
