Saturday, May 01, 2010

Authenticator 1.0.0

If for whatever reason you've not yet bothered to get yourself an authenticator yet, then here's a good tip.

Get one.

HA! You may think, can't be bothered.
Well, the number of "hacks" (key-loggings rather) has been increasing again. (Does it ever decrease?) Either way, there's never really any harm in the old saying "Better safe than sorry". Plus, you get a free core hound pet to boot ;)

Either way, I can see people not being too keen on paying the 10$ shipping, or simply not having the correct model phone to use blizzard's free download.

So, reading around, it seems there's an alternative!
For PC, and Mac users alike. It's called... *drumroll* Android!
And the good part, you do not need a phone for this to work.

Here is what you do:

* Download the Android SDK.
* Select the Android version for AVD. (2.1, 1.6 or 1.5, doesn't really matter)
* Download the Blizzard authenticator package. here, or here. Or just use google for it.
* Install the package by running "adb.exe install [path]" from the AVD emulator. ([path] is obviously the direct path to wherever you downloaded the auth package)
* From there on you should simply be able to use the authenticator from the AVD emulator.

Source: link.

Once you log in, you should find yourself a puppy in the mail.


  1. Damn, dood. That's crazy. D:

  2. I'm having trouble following this. Specifically, the fourth step:

    Install the package by running "adb.exe install [path]" from the AVD emulator. ([path] is obviously the direct path to wherever you downloaded the auth package)

    I can't seem to start the AVD emulator. Whenever I start what I think is the emulator I get a blank screen with the text 'Android' in the middle and none of the buttons work. What did I miss?

  3. Hrm, it should work.
    Several guildies are already using it just like this. Did you try restarting after installation? (apparently it needs a reboot for some people, but not for others)
    You might want to check whether the path you're using is correct, or simply put it into a shorter path. Like c:\cdfiles\avd\avd.exe c:\downloads\thefile or such.
