Sunday, December 04, 2011

Goggle Cat Comics

Every so and then you get an itch that tells you to do something NEW and interesting. Some people ignore the itch, or drop everything and focus on that thing alone. I myself simply try to do everything at the same time :P

I've started another blog called: Goggle Cat Comics a few weeks back, and been posting small comic references on it every few days. Perhaps you already discovered, perhaps not. At any rate, it's growing steadily, got a bit of art by Mipeo from MMOC on the headboard, and more comic links being added every few days.

Obviously, you're welcome to drop by and have a look, add suggestions for other comics to add to the list and whatnot. I've still got over 300 links to add, but since webcomics grow on the web faster than mushrooms in a moist forest I doubt I'll be finished anytime soon.

Also, it's allowed me to play around with the blogger templates some more and make a few improvements on RRVS, you'll notice the post footer looks different from before. The share buttons are smooth and updated. Don't be shy about using them ;)
Not only that, but the page should load faster as well!

Anyway, have a peek: Goggle Cat Comics.

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