Sunday, May 16, 2021

GGP Community event winners – Week #6


Monday, May 10th – Sunday, May 16th

The theme chosen by the GGP community for this week was ✋ALIENS🤚
I expected some cuties👽 Or some nice looking space vehicles🛸… I kinda forgot that aliens used to be scary…
But the entrants didn’t forget and posted some great screenshots.
So thanks for the nightmares everyone…

Ahem ahem ahem!
To all participants, Congratulations!
To all non-participants, also congratulations! (and be sure to participate next week!)

Here are the WINNERS!!!

Winner of 1500 Points – Sylvia

By Sylvia

Winner of 1000 Points – BAE


Winner of 500 Points – Storm

By Storm

Be sure to join us on the discord and vote for next weeks theme!

Hope to see you soon!

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