I'll be in Barcelona (Spain) and thus unable to post from 2-4 Oct. If you live in the area and want me to say hi, just let me know. Dr...

I'll be in Barcelona (Spain) and thus unable to post from 2-4 Oct. If you live in the area and want me to say hi, just let me know. Dr...
I'm sure you've been following the updates as well, build 8982 currently on the beta servers. The combat tree still sucks, assassin...
Whether because of players not releasing and running back fast enough, tanks going afk, people not buffing, nobody having read a boss' ...
So, you were looking for a gold sink? Ha! Ok, here's one 15k gold for a mount . It carries up to 3-4 people and some vendors aparently....
Damnit, I had a post half finished about the 75 mount collecting achievement, but blogger decided that "everything" typed in the l...
The authenticators are back in stock for the EU! I just bought one, so I'll let you know how it works out. According to blizzard (q...
3.0.2 is on the PTR. So you're able to test it out. Release date for WotLK is 13th of November 2008 bytheway. See: WoWHead as well. T...
The rumors were true then. Fortunately it won't work for "all" items. That'd be pretty pointless if that were the case. ...
Core hounds! High on many a hunter's wish list since Molten Core was first released. Sadly we couldn't tame them as they were above...
Unlike regular servers, blizzard tends to update the PTR at rather odd times. At least from a European point of view. Those "few weeks...
No, I wasn't calling anyone any names, though I might as well be. Blizzard is actually adding dummies to the game. Not a new version of ...
More rogue changes have been announced . Some good (Precision buff) some not so good (Relentless Strikes nerf). Personally I'm not too h...
As mentioned a couple of days ago in this post , this post is about rogue tanking. You may be thinking, leather, barely 10k health, we'...