This page (Random Ravings) was started somewhere late 2007 as an outlet while playing Blizzard's World of Warcraft. It's evolved from the white eye sore that it initially was, to a more blue version, and later another white version with columns and slow load times. Now, it's the proper mobile compatible dark theme that you probably see today.

Early 2020 I started cooperating on the site many of you may know as GGPlayers with the generous pug lover Tofu. You will find a number of links to this community in the header.

But there are more people on the site?

Zurgat (BBR): Admin on Discord and review writer.

Eleonora Falcon: Moderator on Discord and community manager.

BAE: Helper on Discord and review writer.

Ghoostery: Helper on discord.

Nexreview writer.

Chickenarlareview writer.

But of course many others: Gina, Hitsu, Hunter, JapaniKatti, Krutyaga, Lock, Materia-listic, Pimp, SaltySoso, Sonic Punk, Telmi, Urusam, Xeloses, and many more: Who all helped the site during it's early days and in making it the community it is today!

What about the referral codes on some links?

Simply put - in a gaming community many people will buy game bundles through Humble Bundle, Fanatical and sometimes Indiegala. Using a referral system allows a little funding to the site - which allows us to buy a few extra bundles to give away games on our discord and as prizes for the community events. This way those prizes don't need to come out of the pockets of one or two specific members, but this way everyone contributes.