It finally happened. Hell froze over. Adobe bows to html5 . You can finally uninstall the internet's most widely known security leak ...
RPG Maker MV - now with hot coffee
Just a quick heads up. RPG Maker MV's minimum system requirements state: - OS: WindowsR 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit) or Mac OS X 10.10 or ...
Missing webcomics
Every so often you check through your giant list of bookmarked webcomics, in the hope that one you hadn't checked in a while has done an...
Rival Kingdoms - getting started and FAQ (iOS / Android)
If you're already playing this game and just want the promotional codes, then check the earlier post . At the time of writing there...
Rival Kingdoms - promotional codes (iOS / Android)
This game is a clone of "Clash of Clans", which if you've done any mobile gaming you probably heard of by now. Rival Kingdom...
Silvercrest overlock machine deconstruction
So, we got this machine at home called an overlock machine,. I haven't a clue how it works, but it broke down, which means I get to take...
Almost a year
Whoa, did I honestly not post anything for half a year?! What is the world coming to... I've been playing some Diablo 3 recently, exp...