I just updated version 1.0.3 of the Dragon Tavern Logger. If you have no idea what it is - which is more than likely - then I would refer you to the
DT Forum for the latest info and download link.
What the crap is this Dragon Tavern?
See a post from 2-3 years ago
here. It's nice and slow, just log in once a week and your character will slowly evolve and be able to compete with others. A good thing to play around with during raids. If one character takes too long for you, just make up to 20 total.
The Logger is mostly a little project I made out of personal frustration, to analyze the game, log some data as you explore and play, and save myself the trouble of keeping a google spreadsheet up to date. I figured others might enjoy the functionality so far (especially the inventory cleanup feature) and would care to try it out. It's free, so don't hesitate to give it a whirl.
v1.0.3 can be downloaded through:
Updates in v1.0.3:
* Fixed browser window losing focus after closing the Inventory list dialog, or pressing certain action buttons. It should be a bit less "strange" to use now.
* Disabled buttons when logged out or timed out.
* More button icons added.
* Buttons are now double buffered - which stops the strange icon fade-in / fade-out after selection on Vista and Windows 7.
* Added several button tooltips.
* Menubar added, to fit in a lot more actions and shortcuts for the future.
* Hotkeys dialog added. It shows you all the known DT hotkeys and how to enable them.
* Page source dialog: Added select all ability (Ctrl+A), as well as Escape button to close.
* Dialog creation changed to runtime rather than global. (You shouldn't notice much other than a slightly smaller memory footprint)
* Subdialog default positions changed to "Owner Form Center". So, no more random positions on those.
* We are now hiding several "strange" urls like google syndication, facebook, blanc, javascript e.a. that were reported earlier. Remember this is a Dragon Tavern logger, so while other webpages might work - it is not the main focus of this application. As a result of hiding these urls, the buttons and menu actions should be enabled/disabled in a more reliable & predictable manner.
* Disabled "Return to tavern", if you are in the tavern. It isn't going to do you much good to go where you already are.
* Added the list of monsters found in the tavern.
* Now keeping track of the latest version of the application you started. So we can show a changelog on startup later.
Inventory dialog:
* Added "select common" button.
* Changed select weight in to work as "this weight and greater".
* OK button renamed to: "Portal It!"
* Turned warning text red.
Updates in v1.0.2:
* Added application icon
Main screen:
* Button tab order improved.
* Added "about" dialog. (Questionmark button topright)
* Added some icons. It's not much, but looks better at least.
* Page source button. Mostly for debugging purposes.
* Inventory list button now has a better placement among it's fellows.
* Inventory list button is now disabled properly.
* Inventory list button can now be pressed even when you are not on your inventory page. It will try to load your inventory, "and then" open the dialog.
Inventory dialog:
* Button tab order improved.
* Added 5 new buttons : Select all by weight: 10, 11, 12, 13, unselect all.
* It will now tell you how many items you have selected.
* Implemented number of cube charges available.
* Show a warning if you select more items than the available cube charges.
* No longer tries to recycle selected items if you do not have a cube.
* Will not show certain buttons if you do not have a cube.
Further updates
Planned updated in the future should include better sorting, more analysis options of the data you have collected and more options to customize the interface.
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