About three weeks since the last version, it's time for another update.
New features inside:
v 1.0.6 here.
Some fixes, improvements and stuff to make life a little better.
Updates in v1.0.6:
* Fixed the name of "Fork Tongue Clutch" in Zones.ini
* Fixed Alt+F4 to close application.
* Added "Lazy Zoneview" option. This ensures the zone view is never cleared automatically. To combat a so far unknown issue some people were having.
* Added ability to pre-fill your username and password. Note: These are stored locally in DragonLogger.ini as plain text. So, only use this feature if your pc is 100% secure. Otherwise, just stick with the user name.
* Added data export to .csv file format. See Menu: Browser -> Export. The exported data is controlled by your other preferences (such as include host data)
* Added option to preferences(F11) to export .csv data as total kill count(default) or percentages(as seen in the analyze dialog).
Inventory dialog:
* Added progress dialog upon cubing more than two items. To show it is working hard on making your items into gold.
* Sort columns are now remembered on open/close.
* Position on screen and width/height are now remembered on open/close.
Data analysis dialog (F9):
* Dialog is no longer modal. Meaning you can keep it open while exploring, and press the new refresh button to update the data.
* Sort columns are now remembered on open/close.
* Position on screen and width/height are now remembered on open/close.
* Now has a smaller "minimum" size.
And once again "lots more data". But this time you can export it as well!
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