So, you've got your hit rating capped for level 70. All good. But, you've been wondering how much hit rating you'll need when WotLK comes around and you're at level 80? Well wonder no longer, here's the info you seek. Mind this info is tested for build (8/1/08) so it might still change before the actual 3.0 release. Still, this should be fairly accurate until then.
You can find how much Hit rating you need at level 70 at
this page on wowwiki. (With proper talents) Rogues need ~363 Hit rating to cap their hit chance against bosses. Hunters need 142 HR, Shamans 300/347 Depending whether you have Nature's guidance, Warriors 395 HR, Paladins 95 HR. Draenei need 15.77 HR less. If you have a Draenei or balance druid in your group or raid, you could reduce your required hit rating by another 15.77 or 47.31 Hit rating.
Combat ratings at level 60-70-80:
Rating | Level 60 | Level 70 | Level 80 |
Expertise(-1% Dodge/Parry) | 10 | 15.76923275 | 32.78998947 |
Defense Skill | 1.5 | 2.365385056 | 4.918498039 |
Resilience | 25 | 39.42308044 | 81.97497559 |
Dodge | 12 | 18.92307854 | 39.34798813 |
Parry | 15 | 23.65384674 | 49.18498611 |
Block | 5 | 7.884614944 | 16.39499474 |
Hit | 10 | 15.76923275 | 32.78998947 |
Spell Hit | 8 | 12.61538506 | 26.23199272 |
Critical Strike | 14 | 22.07692337 | 45.90598679 |
Spell Critical Strike | 14 | 22.07692337 | 45.90598679 |
Haste | 10 | 15.76923275 | 32.78998947 |
Spell Haste | 10 | 15.76923275 | 32.78998947 |
Spell crit is the same for all classes:
Level | Spell crit per Int | Int for 1% Spell Crit |
70 | 0.0125 | 80 |
80 | 0.006 | 166.6666709 |
Agility to melee crit conversion:
Classes | Crit per Agi (L70) | Lvl 80 | Agi per 1% crit (Lvl 70) | Lvl 80 |
Warrior | 0.0333 | 0.016 | 30.03003003 | 62.5 |
Paladin | 0.0403 | 0.0192 | 24.81389578 | 52.08333333 |
Hunter | 0.025 | 0.012 | 40 | 83.33333333 |
Rogue | 0.025 | 0.012 | 40 | 83.33333333 |
Priest | 0.0401 | 0.0192 | 24.93765586 | 52.08333333 |
Death Knight | 0.0333 | 0.016 | 30.03003003 | 62.5 |
Shaman | 0.025 | 0.012 | 40 | 83.33333333 |
Mage | 0.0407 | 0.0196 | 24.57002457 | 51.02040816 |
Warlock | 0.0412 | 0.0198 | 24.27184466 | 50.50505051 |
Druid | 0.025 | 0.012 | 40 | 83.33333333 |
EJ Forums.
Well that's a set of interesting numbers. Looking at itemization at level 80 for Wrath so far, agility on items seem about 2x what it is now at 70.
This potentially bodes well for tanking *nod*
Good catch.
The Shaman Talent "Nature's guidance" dosent exist in WotLK tho ;/
True, and elemental shamans are also going to lose a LOT of hit chance. :/
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