Let's assume for a moment that WotLK itemisation increases at the same rate as TBC items. If the "Drakonid Arm Blade" is an entry level blue, then we'd be able to make a few interesting predictions out of this. Keep in mind I'm just making a speculation here, the actual items may be a lot better or worse once the beta is released. Just take it with a grain of salt for now.
Comparison Values

Currently the highest ilvl epics in game provide 114.2 DPS. If you compare that to the entry level epics from karazhan, you'll notice a difference of : 114.2 - 87.6 = 26,6 DPS between the highest and lower end epic weapons from raiding.
The DPS difference from entry level blues to epics currently is : 87.6 - 71.7 = 15,9 DPS
Prediction Values
Based on the above numbers, one would expect the following level 80 item values :
That's just for 1-handed melee DPS weapons though. 2-handers shouldn't be too hard to figure out if you consider 70.3 as a starting point. Armor would be a different matter entirely.
Still, it's fun to speculate. What do you think?
Small update
A difference of 1.2 DPS and 3 ilvl.
A difference of 2.3 DPS. ilvl unknown.
It would appear that we may end up with a good bit more DPS than 162 per hand. Nothing is for certain yet though.
I think i can at least use my current epic gear till level 75-76... and it won't be till quite a bit later that i've replaced most of it.
Kind of nice to know everything i'm doing now aint for nothing when dinging 71.
Interesting calculations, but likely the DPS will not scale in the same speed as in TBC. It will most likely scale faster.
Vanilla WoW to TBC made the item level difference per required level rise from 1 to 3. I think that it's likely that it will increase to 5 or 6 this time.
If the difference stayed at 3, your calculation would be perfectly correct, but I find that unlikely.
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