A day and a bit ago, I've sent a poke to the admins of MMO-Champion and World of Raids . So far Teza was the first to respond and we...
I'm sure most of you will know these two sites : MMO-Champion , World of Raids . I figure somebody will have to do it sometime, possibly...
Trojans again
Remember this post ? Well it's that time again. It appears that all IGE media sites which use Right Media for their advertisements, a...
Ugly banner v2
In my quest to get a better looking banner, i present you... /drumroll Version 2 Yeah, so anyway... it still sucks. However, i got plans! In...
Hit and Expertise
It takes 15.77 Expertise rating to gain 4 expertise at level 70 which will lower your target's chance to dodge or parry your attacks b...
Blizzard vs Gold
Blizzard made a bold statement against gold sellers and buyers today. Here's the full thing . Players who buy gold are supporting spammi...
I got a dirty mind i can't help it. Blame my ex gf, but some things like this just catch my eye. Of course like many guilds we have the ...
Link list
The links panel was getting a bit large, this post contains the site's expanded blogroll and other interesting links. It'll be linke...
You might like this
Some random (I thought you might like this) stuff. Web comics Abian While i wouldn't normally recommend black and white comics, this one...
Sunwell gear
So, with patch 2.4 coming a bit closer on a daily basis more and more items are unveiled on MMOC and WoR. Item prices are huge, but all 25 ...
Poll ends
So, how much gold do you guys have? According to the poll to which 569 people voted : * < 5g 9 (1%) * 5g-50g 21 (3%) * 50g-250g 64 (11...
Stealth and things
On stealth and things While stealth is a well known art, only a true artist shall know no fame. On the subject of stealth there are current...
SC Ghost focus
You may remember this post from a few days ago, about Blizzard @ dice 2008. Well, there's some interesting new info on the mtv multipl...
Small update
A small update between regular posts Aside work (software engineering) i've been polishing the links section here on RRVS a bit. One thi...
2.4 Rogues
2.4 is on the PTR and both MMOC and WoR have their respective info about the new loot and the patch notes The rogue changes are rather sli...
Scholo for profit
It's sunday, i'm bored and, oh hey that sounds familiar . Let's try cleaning out scholomance. Scholomance is profitable too ! Be...
Dire Maul for profit
Ok average saturday evening, not much to do. Karazhan was cleared this afternoon, 22 badges in the pocket for about 4 hours work. And a coup...